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Absences, Terminations and Unfair Dismissal


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp
Delivery: Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council staff, Human Resources, Executive Team and CEOs. 



While each council has its individual enterprise agreements, each enterprise agreement must be read in conjunction with the applicable Award. It is essential to have a solid understanding of the minimum requirements under the respective Awards, its operation and application when dealing with employee relations and for the purposes of enterprise bargaining negotiations.
With this in mind, Norman Waterhouse is pleased to offer a new training workshop series focused on breaking down and explaining the provisions both, the South Australian Municipal Salaried Officers Award and the Local Government Employee Award.


Key Learnings

  • Handling extended absences
  • Procedural fairness obligations and tips
  • Minimising the risk of unfair dismissals 



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last twenty years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Application of the SAMSOA and LGE Awards to your Workplace


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp (to be eligible for a discount, click here to enrol in the full series)
Delivery: Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council staff, Human Resources, Executive Team and CEOs. 



While each council has its individual enterprise agreements, each enterprise agreement must be read in conjunction with the applicable Award. It is essential to have a solid understanding of the minimum requirements under the respective Awards, its operation and application when dealing with employee relations and for the purposes of enterprise bargaining negotiations.
With this in mind, Norman Waterhouse is pleased to offer a new training workshop series focused on breaking down and explaining the provisions both, the South Australian Municipal Salaried Officers Award and the Local Government Employee Award.


Key Learnings

  • Understanding the scope and operation of the Awards and the overlap with Enterprise Agreements
  • Better off overall test
  • Enterprise Agreement flexibility and negotiations



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last twenty years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Assessment Panel Training for Elected Members


Duration: 2 hours
Investment: $245 inc GST pp
Delivery: Face to Face & Virtual

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

Elected Members appointed to an Assessment Panel and their deputies; Elected Members who are considering nominating for Assessment Panel membership; Elected Members who are interested to understand more about the role of an Assessment Panel in the planning system.



Assessment panels play a critical role as a relevant authority in affording representors and proponents the opportunity to have their say on applications for planning consent for notifiable performance assessed development. Membership on an Assessment Panel for local Elected Members requires a sound knowledge of both their obligations under Codes of Conduct as well as an understanding of the state planning system under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. 

This training is designed to provide Elected Members who are Assessment Panel members or are considering membership with an overview of the planning system and processes, an understanding of the decision-making and operating procedures, and assistance with managing their responsibilities and dual role in both the local government sector and as an Assessment Panel member.  


Key Learnings

  • Overview of the system, including the role of the Assessment Panel
  • Role of an Elected Member on an Assessment Panel
  • Operating procedures 
  • Decision-making; understanding the Planning & Design Code 
  • Conditions and reserved matters   
  • Further processes (Assessment Manager reviews, appeals etc) 
  • Behavioural standards / code of conduct



Gavin Leydon, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Gavin leads the firm’s Planning, Development and Environment Team and is a specialist in property development, urban and regional planning, environmental and administrative law. 


Additional Information

No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.

 Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Assessment Panels – Governance & Process


Duration: 2 hours
Investment: $245 inc GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar 

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

Assessment Managers, Council Assessment Panel members & Regional Assessment Panel members.



Assessment panels play a critical role as a relevant authority in affording representors and proponents the opportunity to have their say on applications for planning consent for notifiable performance assessed development. With the loss of third party rights of appeal, compliance with procedural requirements has assumed greater significance.

This training will consider the role of Assessment Panels and Assessment Managers, the nature of development assessment and decision making, meeting procedures, the imposition of conditions and reserved matters and the conduct of assessment manager reviews. This training will be co-presented with two experienced Presiding Members of Council Assessment Panels and an experienced Assessment Manager who will share their observations, experience and tips & traps.


Key Learnings

  • Understanding the procedural requirements of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act and associated regulations as they apply to Assessment Panels;
  • Understand the essence of development assessment, including the imposition of valid conditions;
  • Hear about recent case law relating to the valid use and scope of reserved matters;
  • Understand the procedure and nature of an Assessment Panel review of Assessment Manager decisions as an alternative to an ERD Court appeal; and
  • Learn the tips & traps from an experienced Assessment Manager and Assessment Panel Presiding Members



Gavin Leydon, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Gavin leads the firm’s Planning, Development and Environment Team and is a specialist in property development, urban and regional planning, environmental and administrative law. 

Stephanie Johnston and Nathan Cunningham are variously Presiding Members and Assessment Panel members of the Assessment Panels of the Councils of Charles Sturt, Port Adelaide Enfield, Onkaparinga, Kangaroo Island, Adelaide Plains and Adelaide City Council.
Andy Humphries as the Assessment Manager for the District Council of Mount Barker Assessment Panel.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Audit and Risk Committees: General Overview


Duration: Half day 
Investment: $430 inc GST per person
Delivery: Face to Face & Virtual
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Audit and Risk Committee Members, Elected Members and council staff  



All Councils are required to have an Audit and Risk Committee. This session provides an overview of the legislative requirements (including the latest reforms) and practical responsibilities of an Audit and Risk Committee as part of council’s leadership and good governance obligations.


Key Learnings

  • Define the role of an Audit and Risk Committee
  • Understand the membership and meeting requirements
  • Explain the various functions including audit and risk management
  • The relationship between the Committee, Council and Administration.



Mark Davies, Financial management expert, advisor, and trainer to state and local government
Mark is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience spanning across both the private and public sectors.  His career includes experience as a Senior Audit Manager and Principal Consultant with PWC to serving as Chief Financial Officer, General Manager Corporate Services and Chief Executive Officer in councils.

Mark has co-designed and delivered strategic and financial management training to Elected Members for the Municipal Association of Victoria and has worked on the integrated strategic management framework in South Australia. He has a long history of providing accessible financial management training to elected members and officers and enjoys demystifying financial terminology and building confidence.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face to Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Authorised Officers Training


Duration: Half day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Authorised Officers, Customer Service Officers and Managers and staff dealing with Dog and Cat Management.



This training session has been developed for Authorised Officers, including Customer Services Offices and all staff dealing with Animal Management. It has been updated since the changes to the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 and references the Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016, the Local Government Act 1999, the Fire and Emergency Act 2005 and the Expiation of Offences Act 1996.


Key Learnings

  • Relevant Legislation updates
  • Information about:
    • Appointments
    • Jurisdiction
    • Powers
    • Roles and Responsibilities of Officers
    • SOP's
    • Communication
    • Expiation Notices
    • Evidence Gathering
    • Statement Taking



Paul Kelly Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Award Interpretation and Application: New Training Series for Council Staff


Duration: 3 hours per session (9:30am - 12:30pm)  
Investment: $2580 incl GST pp for all 6 workshops
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council staff, Human Resources, Executive Team and CEOs. 



While each council has its individual enterprise agreements, each enterprise agreement must be read in conjunction with the applicable award. It is, therefore, essential to have a solid understanding of the minimum requirements under the respective awards, how it operates and how it applies for Human Resource Professionals, CEOs, General Managers and those who are involved in enterprise bargaining negotiations.
With this in mind, Norman Waterhouse is pleased to offer a new training workshop series focused on breaking down and explaining the provisions of, both, the South Australian Municipal Salaried Officers Award and the Local Government Employees Award.
To attend any of the below as individual sessions, please click on the headings to enrol. (Please note: discounts do not apply to individual sessions). 
For the full series, scroll to the bottom and select 'Enrol' for yourself or 'Group Enrol' for others.

1. Application of the SAMSOA and LGE Awards to your Workplace 

  • Understanding the scope and operation of the Awards and the overlap with Enterprise Agreements
  • Better off overall test
  • Enterprise Agreement flexibility and negotiations

2. Employment relationships

  • Understanding different employment relationships and types of employment in Local Government
  • Appointment and probation
  • Contractual obligations

3. Setting Classifications, Rates of Pay and Allowances for Employees

  • Understanding different classifications
  • Rates of pay
  • Higher duties
  • Reclassification process

4. Setting Pay and Employee Entitlements 

  • Ordinary hours of work
  • Span of hours
  • Penalty rates
  • Overtime
  • Call-out and on-call allowances
  • How Award provisions overlap with Enterprise Agreements

5. Leave Entitlements, Stand Down, TOIL and RDOs 

  • Types of leave
  • Stand down provisions
  • Correct accrual and deduction of RDOs
  • TOIL and overtime penalty rates
  • How award provisions overlap with Enterprise Agreements

6. Absences, Terminations and Unfair Dismissal 

  • Handling extended absences
  • Procedural fairness obligations and tips
  • Minimising the risk of unfair dismissals 



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last twenty years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Are you eligible for a ‘Group Discount’?
If you have 5 or more Members/staff from your council interested in a scheduled course, you may be eligible for a group discount. Request a Group Discount eQuote’.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Awards, Enterprise Agreements and Industrial Instruments


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

All Council employees



Employment terms and conditions in the local government sector is governed by various industrial instruments, including (but not limited to) the Fair Work Act 1994 (SA) and the Local Government Act 1999 (SA),  as well as awards, enterprise agreements and employment contracts. These governing industrial instruments impose a range of different obligations on councils. During this session, we will provide breakdown the how each of these legislative and industrial instruments operate and their interaction. 


Key Learnings

  • Operation of the Fair Work Act 1994 (SA) and the Local Government Act 1999 (SA);
  • The application of industrial awards and enterprise agreements; and
  • Binding power of legislative and industrial instruments on contracts of employment.



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Behaviour Management: Understanding bullying and harassment


Duration: Half day
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Webinar


Target Audience

For all Council staff 



Workplace bullying is on the rise in Australia. No workplace is immune. Apart from heightened risk of anxiety, depression and suicide on the individuals concerned, The Productivity Commission estimates it costs Australian organisations between $6 billion and $36 billion a year through lost productivity, poor morale, increased absenteeism and time spent documenting, pursuing or defending claims.

So, the big question is…is there a risk that bullying is happening in your workplace? Do you know how to recognise it when you see it? 

The most effective way to stamp out bullying is to stop it before it starts. This means putting in place an approach to prevent inappropriate behaviour from escalating and growing a respectful work culture where bullying is not tolerated. The content of this program will provide participants with a positive starting point to address workplace bullying. 


Key Learnings

  • What is bullying / What is robust debate?
  • What is harassment / discrimination?
  • What workplace cultures contribute to poor behaviours being accepted?
  • What contributes to poor behaviours and how can we influence behaviour?



Mayor Moira Jenkins, City of Victor Harbor (BA (Hons), Grad Dip Conflict Management, M.Psych, PhD.
Dr Moira Jenkins, is the Mayor of the City of Victor Harbor. She is also the Director and founder of Aboto and one of Australia’s experts in the prevention and management of workplace bullying and harassment. She uses her background in clinical psychology, her management experience, her research and her knowledge of workplace psychological health and conflict management to provide expert human resource consulting services in this area. 

Dr Jenkins PhD thesis examined bullying and harassment from the perspective of the complaint, alleged perpetrator and the HR consultant. She is the author of a book Preventing and Managing Workplace Bullying and Harassment: A Risk Management Approach and is author of a number of journal articles and book chapters on this subject.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Behavioural Standards


Duration: Half Day 
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

Elected Members



This session is designed to give participants a deeper understanding of the Behavioural Standards in the context of an elected member’s statutory obligations.

Participants will explore the continuum of ‘prevention to intervention’ methods when upholding the Behavioural Standards.  The session will expand on what is covered in the LGA Mandatory Training Standard, providing further information in relation to the Behavioural Standards Panel, the SA Ombudsman and ICAC.



Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of industrial relations, governance, and regulatory services to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Builders Damage vs Property Owner vs Council


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430.00 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar

Target Audience

Authorised Officers, Building Compliance Officers and Managers and staff dealing with damage to Council infrastructure.


This training program is designed for all staff involved in Building Compliance. It covers the management of contracts, handling cautions, and processing civil administrative orders to deal with damage caused by buildings.

Key Learnings
  • Relevant Legislation, including the Local Government Act 1999 and Expiation of Offences Act 1996
  • Information about:
    • Interviews
    • Evidence
    • Powers
    • Roles and Responsibilities of Officers
    • Cautions
    • Communication
    • Expiation Notices
    • Evidence Gathering
    • Statement Taking
    • Records of Interview


Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.  

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace and the WHS Act


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Human Resource Officers, Work Health and Safety Officers, Managers and CEOs



Bullying and harassment can have a significant impact not only on the victim, but the culture of the entire organisation. As an employer and a PCBU, councils have a primary duty of care to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their employees. That includes ensuring, so far as reasonably practicable, employees are not exposed to the risk of psychological harm from bullying and harassment.

This session will set out what is considered bullying and harassment and how to respond and investigate into complaints to ensure the health and safety of employees and the organisational culture are not jeopardised. 


Key Learnings

  • Definition of bullying and harassment;
  • Obligations under the WHS Act 2011 (SA);
  • Reasonable management action taken in a reasonable manner;
  • Reporting process and support for your employees; and
  • Dealing with disputes. 



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance 
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Case Law Review


Duration: 2 Hours
Investment: $245 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

All Development Staff, including planning, building, compliance and administration staff



Each year we share our summaries of the important decisions that affect councils and the development industry from the Environment, Resources and Development and Supreme Court. For the first time we anticipate providing summaries of appeals against application assessed against the Planning and Design Code and proceedings commenced pursuant to the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. 

Subject to there being a sufficient number of new cases to discuss, a second session may be scheduled in the relevant CPD period. 


Key Learnings

  • Being informed of relevant decisions and what bearing the cases may have on Councils and the development industry:
  • Building capacity and enhancing knowledge.



Aden Miegel, Principal - Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Aden is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers. This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Cats and the Law


Duration: 3 Hours
Investment: $430 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face and Webinar

Target Audience
  • Managers
  • Authorised Officers
  • Any person working in Councils in South Australia who deal with cats

To provide an overview of the current version of the Dog and Cat Management Act and the Cat Amendment Bill currently before Parliament.  The course will also provide participants with a complete understanding of Council’s responsibilities and obligations pursuant to the legislation and the current failure of the legislation. 
Key Learnings
  • Responsibilities and obligations
  • Dog and Cat Management Act
  • Cat Management Bill
  • Cat trapping
  • Cat seizure
  • Cat detention
  • Failings
Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.  

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

CEO Performance Reviews and Contractual Obligations


Duration: Half Day 
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar


Target Audience

Elected Members



Chief Executive Officers of local government councils are accountable to the elected body of the Council. As such, councils are required to conduct frequent CEO performance reviews. 
This session will examine how to ensure a high standard of leadership is provided by the council’s CEO by conducting effective performance management and recruitment processes in line with contractual obligations   This session will further examine the legislative provisions in the LG Act regarding CEO performance reviews.


Key Learnings

  • What constitutes performance management
  • Council’s core governance responsibilities
  • Establishment of KPIs
  • Importance of a CEO Performance Management Committee 
  • How to provide accurate, timely and authoritative feedback to a CEO



Sathish Dasan, Principal - Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance - Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of industrial relations, governance, and regulatory services to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Chain of Responsibility (COR) and Load Restraint


Duration: 3 hrs
Investment: $430 incl GST pp ($3,950 incl GST capped at 20 participants)
Delivery: Face 2 Face 


Target Audience

Council staff or contractors to councils involved in the heavy vehicle supply chain; i.e. transport and logistics managers, heavy vehicle drivers and operators, logistics staff involved in load preparation, loading and unloading of heavy vehicles and transfer station/depot/warehouse receiving staff.



The Heavy Vehicle National Law ensures that every party in the heavy vehicle transport supply chain has a duty to ensure the safety of their transport activities. Severe penalties apply when regulations are not adhered to. 

As a party in the supply chain, it is important to have safety management systems and controls in place, such as business practices, training, procedures and review processes that:
  • Identify, assess, evaluate, and control risk;
  • Manage compliance with speed, fatigue, mass, dimension, loading and vehicle standards; requirements through identified best practice;
  • Involve regular reporting, including to executive officers and 
  • Document or record actions taken to manage safety.

Session includes a depot vehicle and load restraint equipment inspection. 

Key Learnings

  • COR background and National Heavy Vehicle Law changes
  • Chain of Responsibility- What is it?
  • Scope of COR: responsible parties, national regulation compliance
  • COR Policy: Proactive risk management
  • Corporate Liability
  • Examples of Breaches
  • Load restraint: Legislative requirements, vehicle and restraint capacity
  • Questions and scenarios



Peter McWhinnie, Paragon Work Health Safety, Member of Safety Institute of Australia
Graduate Diploma of Organisational Safety Management (Uni SA), Cert IV in Transport, Warehousing and Logistics, Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety, Diploma of Quality Auditing, Nationally accredited workplace trainer and assessor (Cert IV TAE), Diploma of Business, Diploma of Management.

Experience: Mining and construction worker, demolition team leader, transport fleet manager, truck driver for MC, heavy machinery operator, parks and gardens maintenance, workplace training and assessment.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Changes to the Federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984


Duration: 2 Hours
Investment: $245 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face or Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​

Target Audience

HR Professionals, People and Culture Officers, Managers and Supervisors.


This training program provides an in-depth understanding of the recent changes to the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth), including the amendments introduced by the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022 (Respect at Work Bill 2022). Significantly, the Respect at Work Bill 2022 enforces a positive duty on employers to “take reasonable and proportionate measures” to eliminate, as far as possible, certain discriminatory conduct including workplace sex discrimination, harassment, and victimisation. These legislative changes are pivotal in enhancing workplace safety, promoting gender equality, and ensuring a respectful and inclusive environment for all employees.

Key Learnings

  • Understand Key Amendments: Gain a comprehensive overview of the specific changes made to the Sex Discrimination Act 1984.
  • Respect at Work Bill 2022: Learn about the objectives and provisions of the Respect at Work Bill 2022 and its integration with existing legislation.
  • Implications for Employers and Employees: Explore the practical implications of these legislative changes for employers and employees.
  • Compliance Requirements: Understand the new compliance requirements and how organisations can ensure adherence to these standards.
  • Creating a Respectful Workplace: Discuss strategies and best practices for fostering a workplace culture that aligns with the principles of the updated legislation, including the proactive shift from a reactive approach to a prevention focused approach.

The changes to the Australian Federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984 and the introduction of the Respect at Work Bill 2022, mark significant steps towards creating safer, more equitable workplaces. This training program will equip all participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate these changes effectively, ensuring compliance and fostering a culture of respect and inclusion in the workplace.


Lincoln Smith joined Norman Waterhouse in October 2009. He has almost 25 years of legal experience across several disciplines most notably industrial relations, employment, and media law.

Lincoln has considerable experience representing local government and corporate clients in industrial, employment, occupational health and safety and discrimination proceedings across a range of jurisdictions and Courts, including the Federal Court, Supreme Courts of South Australia and Victoria, the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, its successor, Fair Work Commission and the South Australian Employment Tribunal.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


ChemAlert ‘Risk Assessment’ training


Duration: Half day
Investment: $245 inc GST per person
Delivery: Live virtual classroom


Target Audience

For staff responsible for the storage, labelling and/or reporting of chemical products in accordance with the relevant regulations i.e. base level staff, OHS coordinators, site supervisors and safety managers and staff responsible for risk assessments.  



This two hour program is one of a suite of three ChemAlert programs. Please see 'Additional information' below for further information about ChemAlert Search and Stock training. 

Key Learnings

As a result of completing ChemAlert 'Risk Assessment' training, participants should be able to perform the following tasks:
  • Understand the difference between a Simple and Detailed Risk Assessment;
  • Create a new Risk Assessment;
  • Review and input information relevant to a product Risk Assessment;
  • Follow the Risk Assessment Workflow process.



Paul Walker, ChemAlert Trainer / Chemical Auditor​ - Risk Management Technologies
Paul is a ChemAlert auditor and has a deep knowledge of chemical management. He works with clients to help them identify chemicals and access the safety information in ChemAlert and how to apply those safety measures in their operations.

Paul runs a large number of interactive and online training sessions for RMT. This includes bespoke courses to meet individual client needs, and public training sessions covering the latest work and health legislative requirements across different regions.


Additional Information

For further information on the other ChemAlert components and to enrol, click on the below headings:
ChemAlert 'Stock' training
ChemAlert 'Search' training

ChemAlert Search, Stock and Risk Assessment Program

No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


ChemAlert ‘Search’ training


Duration: Half day
Investment: $245 inc GST per person
Delivery: Live virtual classroom


Target Audience

For staff responsible for the storage, labelling and/or reporting of chemical products in accordance with the relevant regulations i.e. base level staff, OHS coordinators, site supervisors and safety managers and staff responsible for risk assessments.   



This two hour program is one of a suite of three ChemAlert programs. Please see 'Additional information' below for further information about ChemAlert Risk Assessment and Stock training.  


Key Learnings

As a result of completing ChemAlert 'Search' training, participants should be able to perform the following tasks:
  • Locate products on ChemAlert
  • Retrieve and review manufacturers’ Safety Data Sheets
  • Locate and review Product Details information, including Chemical Footprint and health hazards
  • Generate ChemAlert reports and product labels



Paul Walker, ChemAlert Trainer / Chemical Auditor​ - Risk Management Technologies
Paul is a ChemAlert auditor and has a deep knowledge of chemical management. He works with clients to help them identify chemicals and access the safety information in ChemAlert and how to apply those safety measures in their operations.

Paul runs a large number of interactive and online training sessions for RMT. This includes bespoke courses to meet individual client needs, and public training sessions covering the latest work and health legislative requirements across different regions.


Additional Information

For further information on the other ChemAlert components and to enrol, click on the below headings:
ChemAlert 'Risk Assessment' training
ChemAlert 'Stock' training

ChemAlert Search, Stock and Risk Assessment Program

No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

ChemAlert ‘Stock’ training


Duration: Half day
Investment: $245 inc GST per person
Delivery: Live virtual classroom


Target Audience

For staff responsible for the storage, labelling and/or reporting of chemical products in accordance with the relevant regulations i.e. base level staff, OHS coordinators, site supervisors and safety managers and staff responsible for risk assessments



This two hour program is one of a suite of three ChemAlert programs. Please see 'Additional information' below for further information about ChemAlert Risk Assessment and Search training. 


Key Learnings

As a result of completing ChemAlert Stock training, participants should be able to perform the following tasks:
  • Create a Hierarchy of storage locations;
  • Manage, copy or delete Locations within the Hierarchy;
  • Add, edit, copy or delete products from Inventory;
  • Input specific quantities of products into Inventory;
  • Generate and review stock reports including Hazardous Chemicals registers and Dangerous Goods listings.



Paul Walker, ChemAlert Trainer / Chemical Auditor​ - Risk Management Technologies
Paul is a ChemAlert auditor and has a deep knowledge of chemical management. He works with clients to help them identify chemicals and access the safety information in ChemAlert and how to apply those safety measures in their operations.

Paul runs a large number of interactive and online training sessions for RMT. This includes bespoke courses to meet individual client needs, and public training sessions covering the latest work and health legislative requirements across different regions.


Additional Information

For further information on the other ChemAlert components and to enrol, click on the below headings:
ChemAlert 'Risk Assessment' training
ChemAlert 'Search' training
ChemAlert Search, Stock and Risk Assessment Program

No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


ChemAlert Search, Stock and Risk Assessment Program


Duration: 3 x sessions
Investment: $735 inc GST per person
Delivery: Live virtual classroom


Target Audience

For staff responsible for the storage, labelling and/or reporting of chemical products in accordance with the relevant regulations i.e. base level staff, OHS coordinators, site supervisors and safety managers and staff responsible for risk assessments.  



The ChemAlert Search, Stock and Risk Assessment (V5) Program is a package of three two-hour webinar sessions that can be purchased as a full package or as individual modules. For details of the content of each session see below: 


Key Learnings

  • Locate products on ChemAlert;
  • Retrieve and review manufacturers’ Safety Data Sheets;
  • Locate and review Product Details information, including Chemical Footprint and health hazards;
  • Generate ChemAlert reports and product labels.
  • Create a Hierarchy of storage locations;
  • Manage, copy or delete Locations within the Hierarchy;
  • Add, edit, copy or delete products from Inventory;
  • Input specific quantities of products into Inventory;
  • Generate and review stock reports including Hazardous Chemicals registers and Dangerous Goods listings.
Risk Assessment
  • Understand the difference between a Simple and Detailed Risk Assessment;
  • Create a new Risk Assessment;
  • Review and input information relevant to a product Risk Assessment;
  • Follow the Risk Assessment Workflow process.

If you choose not to attend the whole program you can enrol in individual sessions. Please see below: 
ChemAlert 'Search' training
ChemAlert 'Stock' training

ChemAlert 'Risk Assessment' training


Paul Walker, ChemAlert Trainer / Chemical Auditor​ - Risk Management Technologies
Paul is a ChemAlert auditor and has deep knowledge of chemical management. He works with clients to help them identify chemicals and access the safety information in ChemAlert and how to apply those safety measures in their operations.

Paul runs a large number of interactive and online training sessions for RMT. This includes bespoke courses to meet individual client needs, and public training sessions covering the latest work and health legislative requirements across different regions.


Additional Information

No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Civic module 4.1 - Introduction to local government for Council Members

EM Mandatory

Duration: 1 hour
Investment: No charge
Delivery: Recording


Target Audience

Council members


The Introduction to Local Government module is part of the Civic leadership section of the mandatory LGA Training Standards. To support our members, the LGA are pleased to provide a recording of this for council members to access.

The module can be delivered to a council member group or individual Elected Members can access it directly below.
There are two activities included in the module. (Activity sheets are designed to be printed.)
Module materials A short video is included at the end of the module.

The content delivered in this training meets the requirements of the Introduction to Local Government module referred to in the LGA Training Standard for Council Members.

Key Learnings

  • Explain the role of local government in the Australian System of Government
  • Define and explain the role and function of council
  • Define and explain the separate roles of the elected members on council to CEO/staff and understand both the legislative provisions and operational structures that support effective working relationships

Additional Information

For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Code Amendments


Duration: 2 hours  
Investment: $245 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

All council development staff, including DA planners, policy planners and management.  External planning consultants assisting councils with such functions.



The transition to the new planning system has significantly altered the policy framework against which development is assessed and also the way in which that policy is now amended.  This workshop aims to provide an overview of the requirements for undertaking a Code Amendment, including arising from the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, Practice Direction 2, the Community Engagement Charter, and the processes of the State Planning Commission.  The workshop will conclude with a review of a number of Code Amendments that have been processed under this new system, with commentary on the learnings thus far.


Key Learnings

  • Guidance on the relevant statutory requirements and processes that apply to councils in initiating or responding to Code Amendment proposals; 
  • Understanding the processes of the State Planning Commission in dealing with Code Amendment proposals; and
  • Practical tips and traps associated with council involvement in Code Amendment proposals.



Rebecca McAulay - Principal – Environment & Planning – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Rebecca is a Principal in the Environment & Planning Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  Norman Waterhouse Lawyers have been advisors to both the State Government and the Local Government Association in the formation of planning instruments, guidance documents, elements of the Planning and Design Code and the implementation of the new legislation.  Over the last few years they have provided extensive training on these topics to the local government sector.  The Norman Waterhouse Team is recognised as the largest of its kind in this State and is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of such advice to the local government sector in South Australia.

Grazio Maiorano – Director – URPS
Grazio is a founding member of URPS.  He has extensive policy and development facilitation experience working for both private and public sector clients, across urban, peri-urban and regional areas.  URPS is an industry leader with significant experience and capabilities in policy amendments relating to residential, industrial, retail and rural area land uses, as well as more specific issues such as urban growth management, flooding, heritage conservation, licensed premises, natural resources management and site specific re-zonings.  This extends to a significant body of work already by way of Code Amendments under the new planning system.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Community Engagement for Elected Members


Duration: 3 hrs
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face or Webinar


Target Audience

Elected Members



This Community Engagement for Elected Members session will provide an overview and introduction to the LGASA Community Engagement framework that support council’s effective engagement processes. The content has been influenced by the results of a project funded by the LGA Research and Development Scheme into how councils engage communities in Annual Business Planning and Budgets.

The delivery of the training includes the use of a case study and practical methods, examples, and shared learning experiences of community engagement to build understanding of effective engagement practices.

Through interactive activities elected members will enhance their authentic leadership skills and develop their ability to communicate and engage with greater influence; and discover how to use community input to inform decision making.



Brett Manuel, Associate, North Projects
Brett is a skillfull, senior Stakeholder and Community Engagement practitioner with experience strategically planning and delivering cutting edge community and stakeholder engagement programs, predominantly for SA Government departments.

A motivator and innovator, Brett thinks differently and comes up with solutions which minimise stakeholder risks and maximises project benefits.

His collaborative work style and contribution to social justice initiatives, underpinned by inclusive community and stakeholder engagement practices, have been positively acknowledged by work colleagues and project stakeholders alike.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Please note: Elected Members are encouraged to confirm with their administrators authorisation to register, prior to committing.


Community Land Management Plans


Duration: Half day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Property officers, community land managers, open space planners, general managers, governance and risk officers and economic development officers



As a consequence of the Supreme Court judgment in the ‘Coast Park’ case, many councils are considering reviewing their CLMPs. Such reviews are timely, especially where CLMPs have not been substantively reviewed since their introduction in the early 2000s. It is recognised that non-compliant or inadequate CLMPs may not only put at risk decisions and projects involving community land, but may also restrict progress and development of community land.

Conversely, well-crafted CLMPs will facilitate outcomes, projects and decision-making, by providing certainty around what can and cannot occur on community land. Such a CLMP may unlock the potential for community land to be used and managed in innovative and contemporary ways.

The object of the training is to empower council staff to undertake CLMP reviews with confidence and a clear strategic purpose and mindset.  


Key Learnings

The focus of the workshop will be to upskill council staff to better understand the statutory framework and requirements pertaining to community land, while also identifying ways in which the content of CLMPs can be modernised so as to facilitate strategic outcomes and priorities.



Felice D'Agostino, Principal, Norman Waterhouse Lawyers 
Felice D’Agostino assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. Felice takes a practical and solutions-based approach to representing her clients and assisting them to deal with competing pressures. As a Principal in Norman Waterhouse’s Employment, Governance and Regulatory Services team Felice specialises in governance and public administration and is committed to assisting her clients to make defensible decisions that will withstand scrutiny.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Conducting an Internal Review: Full Program


Duration: 1 Day 
Investment: $670 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face ONLY



Target Audience

Governance officers/managers and CEOs or council staff that deal with or undertake internal reviews



‘Conducting an Internal Review’ is a 2-part program.


Part 1
Gives participants an ‘overview’ on how to conduct internal reviews pursuant to Section 270 of the Local Government Act 1999. It will include all issues that should be considered and addressed as part of the Section 270 process. The program will examine relevant legislative previsions and discuss the Ombudsman’s recommendations arising from his audit of Council’s internal reviews of council decisions procedure. All aspects of Section 270 internal reviews will be discussed including merits review, process reviews, procedural fairness, sufficient interest, use of panels/committees, vexatious applications and circumstances when a council may refuse to deal with a Section 270 internal review application.


Part 2
This program is an interactive workshop. Participants will work through a hypothetical Section 270 application considering the points below and prepare a report on the results.
  • Whether the application is frivolous or vexatious;
  • Whether the applicant has a sufficient interest;
  • How to conduct the internal review;
  • What information should form part of the internal review
  • Who should be the reviewer;
  (Part 1 is available to attend virtually - for further information and to enrol please click here)


Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

If you choose not to attend this interactive workshop but are interested in attending part 1 only (available via face 2 face & webinar) please click here.  

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Conducting an Internal Review: Part 1


Duration: Half day (9:30am - 12:30pm) 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Governance officers/managers and CEOs or council staff that deal with or undertake internal reviews



‘Conducting an Internal Review’ is a 2-part program.


Part 1
Gives participants an ‘overview’ on how to conduct internal reviews pursuant to Section 270 of the Local Government Act 1999. It will include all issues that should be considered and addressed as part of the Section 270 process.

The program will examine relevant legislative previsions and discuss the Ombudsman’s recommendations arising from his audit of Council’s internal reviews of council decisions procedure. 


Key Learnings

All aspects of Section 270 internal reviews will be discussed including:
  • Merits review
  • Process reviews
  • Procedural fairness
  • Sufficient interest
  • Use of panels/committees
  • Vexatious applications and circumstances when a council may refuse to deal with a Section 270 internal review application.



Felice D'Agostino, Principal, Norman Waterhouse Lawyers 
Felice D’Agostino assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. Felice takes a practical and solutions-based approach to representing her clients and assisting them to deal with competing pressures. As a Principal in Norman Waterhouse’s Employment, Governance and Regulatory Services team Felice specialises in governance and public administration and is committed to assisting her clients to make defensible decisions that will withstand scrutiny.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia. Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.



Additional Information

If you would like to attend the full day program (which includes an interactive workshop) please click here.
If you have already completed Part 1, click here to enrol for Part 2.

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Conducting an Internal Review: Part 2


Duration: Half day (1:30pm - 4:30pm) 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face only
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Governance officers/managers and CEOs or council staff that deal with or undertake internal reviews



‘Conducting an Internal Review’ is a 2-part program. Part 2 is an interactive workshop designed to work through a hypothetical Section 270 application.


Key Learnings

Part 2
Participants will need to consider the points below and prepare a report on the results:
  • Whether the application is frivolous or vexatious;
  • Whether the applicant has a sufficient interest;
  • How to conduct the internal review?
  • What information should form part of the internal review?
  • Who should be the reviewer?



Felice D'Agostino, Principal, Norman Waterhouse Lawyers 
Felice D’Agostino assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. Felice takes a practical and solutions-based approach to representing her clients and assisting them to deal with competing pressures. As a Principal in Norman Waterhouse’s Employment, Governance and Regulatory Services team Felice specialises in governance and public administration and is committed to assisting her clients to make defensible decisions that will withstand scrutiny.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia. Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

A prerequisite for this session is: Conducting an Internal Review: Part 1

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Conflict of Interest for Elected Members


Duration: Half Day 
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

Elected Members 



This program is designed to provide participants with a deeper understanding of Conflict of Interest in the context of an elected members’ statutory obligations beyond what is covered in the LGA Training Standards for Council Members.

The session will explore ways to distinguish and differentiate between various conflicts of interest and discuss ways to effectively reduce an elected members’ risk of non-compliance.



Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia. Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Conflict of Interest, Employee Conduct & Behaviour


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

CEOs, HR Officers, Managers



Trust, respect and confidence are essential elements of an employment relationship between an employer and employee. Certain conduct and behaviour of employees can lead to a breakdown of respect, trust and confidence, which in turn, jeopardises the working relationship.

This session will explore what councils can expect of their employees’ conduct and behaviour, how to effectively manage staff, instances where it goes wrong, and when and how the Council can intervene. 


Key Learnings

  • Expected conduct of council employees
  • Effects of poor conduct or behaviour on the wider workplace
  • How to effectively manage poor conduct or behaviour in the workplace
  • Employee obligations regarding conflicts of interest 
  • Managing staff where there has been a conflict of interest



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Correct and Preferable: Reviewing Council Decisions


Duration: Full Day 
Investment: $670 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar  
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Chief Executive Officers, Freedom of Information Officers, Environmental Health Officers, General Inspectors and Managers of those areas



SACAT is the current review body of decisions made by local government under a number of Acts, including Dog and Cat Management Act 1995, Food Act 2001, Freedom of Information Act 1991 and South Australian Public Health Act 2011. 

This course will provide an overview of the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013 and assist participants in understanding the tribunal process.  It will also provide participants with a summary of their obligations to assist the Tribunal, requirements to prepare a statement of reasons and an explanation of what to include in a prescribed book of documents. 

This full day course will also provide practical tips for preparing a brief of evidence and supporting documentation, appearing in the Tribunal and how to assist the Tribunal to make the correct and preferable decision.


Key Learnings

  • Summary of the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013
  • Overview of council obligations to assist the Tribunal
  • Requirement to provide certain documents
  • The Tribunal process
  • Preparing a matter for hearing
  • Appearing as a witness 



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services - Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Council and Committee Meeting Agenda and Minute Preparation


Duration: Half day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Executive and/or Personal Assistants and Administration Officers.



The Local Government Act 1999 and the Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2013 provide for the conduct of Council and Council Committee meetings and the preparation of minutes and agendas.


Key Learnings

  • Gain an increased understanding of the provisions of the Local Government Act 1999 and the Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2013 in relation to notice of meetings, agendas and minutes; and
  • Develop skills in the preparation of notices of meetings, agendas and the recording and preparation of minutes.



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice D’Agostino assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. Felice takes a practical and solutions based approach to representing her clients and assisting them to deal with competing pressures. As a Principal in Norman Waterhouse’s Employment, Governance and Regulatory Services team Felice specialises in governance and public administration and is committed to assisting her clients to make defensible decisions that will withstand scrutiny. 

Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Dale Mazzachi focuses his attention on developing his client's practical understanding of the important roles governance and regulation play in helping their organisations successfully deliver for their communities.  He now practices as a Principal in the firm’s Local Government Employment, Governance & Regulatory Services Team.  Dale’s regulatory experience includes animal management and control, public health, food safety, public realm and traffic management, liquor licensing, by-laws and regulations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Council and Committee Meeting Procedure


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

New and returning Elected Members, council committee members, CEO, Governance Officers, Executives, Personal Assistants, Administration Officers.


The Local Government Act 1999 and the Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2013 provide for the conduct of Council and Council Committee meetings. This session breaks down the meeting procedures to assist council and committees to conduct more efficient and productive meetings.


Key Learnings

  • Legislative requirements regarding council and committee meetings under the Local Government Act 1999 and the Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2013
  • The application of the provisions of the Act and the Regulations in relation to procedures at Council and Council Committee meetings
  • Roles and responsibilities of those attending council and committee meetings
  • Knowledge and skills required to contribute effectively to the decision making processes



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 



Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Council Delegations


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

All staff and Elected Members 



This workshop will consider the principles regarding the making of delegations and the exercise of delegated powers and functions under a variety of legislation. 


Key Learnings

This training session will provide participants with an understanding of delegation in a local government context. The areas that will be covered include:
  • The statutory framework within which delegations are made including under the Planning Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and the Local Government Act 1999
  • What it means to delegate a power or function
  • The role and responsibilities of the delegate
  • How to determine which powers an functions are relevant and appropriate for your council to delegate (and for the CEO to subdelegate)
  • How to determine to whom a delegation (and subdelegation) should be made
  • Legal ramifications for inadequate or flawed delegations.
  • Appointments of authorised officers and persons – what this means, why they are appointed and what ‘extra’ powers this gives the authorised officer/person.



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 


Additional Information

You may be interested in How to Use LGA Delegations Templates Workshop.

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.

Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Council Delegations and How to use LGA Delegation Templates


Duration: Full day 
Investment: $670 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face and Webinar
Target Audience
Elected Members and Governance Officers
This full day of training combines the 3 hour ‘Council Delegations’ session, which discusses the principles regarding the making of delegations and the exercise of delegated powers and functions under a variety of legislation, and the 3 hour ‘How to use LGA Delegations Templates’. 
Key Learnings
This training will provide participants with an understanding of delegation in a local government context and an opportunity to explore the LGA delegation templates. The first half of the day will cover the following topics: 
·         The statutory framework within which delegations are made including under the Planning Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and the Local Government Act 1999
·         What it means to delegate a power or function
·         The role and responsibilities of the delegate
·         How to determine which powers and functions are relevant and appropriate for your council to delegate (and for the CEO to subdelegate)
·         How to determine to whom a delegation (and sub delegation) should be made
·         Legal ramifications for inadequate or flawed delegations.
·         Appointments of authorised officers and persons – what this means, why they are appointed and what ‘extra’ powers this gives the authorised officer/person.
After lunch the workshop will offer a hands-on experience in using the templates and tips for getting the most out of them. It will also cover some traps to consider and give participants the opportunity to ask questions.


Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

Additional Information

You may be interested in How to Use LGA Delegations Templates Workshopor Council Delegations.

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.

Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Council Meetings and Chamber Etiquette


Duration: Half Day 
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

New Council Members keen to understand Council and Committee Meeting Procedures and Chairing Skills. Returned Members who would like to update their strategies and knowledge.   


Key Learnings

  • Chamber etiquette 101
  • Strategies to chair Local Government meetings more effectively and productively in accordance with the appropriate Acts
  • The application of the provisions of the Act and the Regulations in relation to procedures at Council and Council Committee meetings
  • Meeting processes and chairing skills in Local Government meetings
  • Roles and responsibilities of those attending Local Government meetings
  • Knowledge and skills required to contribute effectively to the decision making processes
  • Strategies to undertake the role of presiding member more effectively and productively
  • The legislative requirements in relation to the process and procedures involved in Local Government meetings and participation in meetings.



Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Council's Role and Powers as a Local Public Health Authority


Duration: 1 Day 
Investment: $670 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Authorised Persons, Environmental Health Officers, General Inspectors and Managers of these areas



To provide an overview of the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 (SAPH Act) and summarise the fundamental concepts that underpin councils as local public health authorities. 

The course will also provide participants with an understanding of the relationship between the SAPH Act and the Food Act 2001, the Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992 and the Safe Drinking Water Act 2011. 

The training session will comprise a combination of different formats including: a tutorial to teach the concepts; hypothetical examples to illustrate the concepts in a practical setting; and an open forum session where participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek guidance and advice.


Key Learnings

  • Council obligations regarding public health
  • EHO responsibilities and council powers
  • Summary of the SAPH Act, Food Act 2001, Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992 and the Safe Drinking Water Act 2011
  • Investigative processes and powers of authorised persons
  • Notice issuing process
  • Interaction with other legislation



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Criminal Trials in the Magistrates Court - A Practical Guide


Duration: 1 Day 
Investment: $670 incl GST 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Chief Executive Officers, Council Officers, General Inspectors and Managers of those areas



To assist participants in determining whether to commence prosecution proceedings and provide tips for preparing a matter for trial.  The courts can be a daunting place, this course will assist councils in understanding the court process, preparation of a legal brief, appearing as a witness and the burden of proof.  This full day course will also provide practical tips for investigating criminal matters, interviewing witnesses, providing cautions, taking statements, record keeping, photographic evidence and more.


Key Learnings

  • Evidence gathering
  • Issuing an Information and Summons
  • Court processes
  • Evidentiary aids and the burden of proof
  • Appearing as a witness 



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Deputy Mayor Forum


Duration: 1 day
Investment: $670 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face to Face


Target Audience

South Australian Council Deputy Mayors only.



This year’s Deputy Mayor Forum ‘Adaptive Leadership’ offers a valuable opportunity to come together and develop skills to enhance your contributions to local government. Designed to foster collaboration and learning, this event invites you to connect with fellow Deputy Mayors, share your experiences, and gain insights that empower you to drive positive change in your councils and communities.

This Forum has been designed on the back of the successful session held at the LGA Mayor and CEO Forum, exploring the theme of adaptive leadership. The local government sector demands strategic, considered and impactful leadership, and attendees will engage in thought provoking approaches in how to adapt and be flexible with those leadership demands.

The Forum features interactive sessions, expert insights, and ample networking opportunities, enabling you to engage with your peers while developing best practices for leadership. Expect tips and tools for leading change in complexity, deepening an understanding of the behaviour management framework and learning how to foster psychological safety.
Don’t miss this chance to elevate your leadership skills and enhance your council's effectiveness. Join us for a day of learning, sharing, and inspiring growth in your local government journey as we work together to shape the future of our communities.

Click here to see a copy of the program.

PLEASE NOTE: Registrations close COB Friday 14 February 2025.
To request a late registration please email 

LGA Training have booked a table at Lemongrass Thai Bistro - 289 Rundle St, Adelaide from 6pm the night prior to the forum. We encourage you to come along to this great networking opportunity. 

Please register your interest in attending this important local government event by filling out this Enquiry Form We will notify you when the forum is launched. If you wish to attend the pay-your-way dinner, please add your intention to attend in the ‘additional information’ box at the bottom of the form. 
For further information about making a contribution to the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at

For a copy of our policies, please click here.




Additional Information

For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2080 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Development Conditions & Reserved Matters


Duration: 2 Hours
Investment: $245 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

Assessment Managers and their delegates, Council/Regional Assessment Panel members and their delegates, accredited professionals, planning officers, building officers, private certifiers.



Conditions and reserved matters are a fundamental part of development assessment. However, the powers to impose conditions or to reserve matters are not unlimited. Further, there are new rules and requirements associated with practice directions in the new system.   

In this session, we will revisit the case law and common law principles relating to valid conditions and reserved matters, and review the applicable practice directions issued by the State Planning Commission, namely; Practice Direction 12 – Conditions 2020, Practice Direction 11 – Deemed Planning Consent Standard Conditions 2020 and the condition making powers set out in Practice Direction 14 – Site Contamination Assessment 2021. 

The session will also present an opportunity to discussion about standard or common conditions in light of relevant provisions of the Planning & Design Code.


Key Learnings

  • Review of case law and common law principles relating to condition making and reserved matters;
  • Review of practice directions 11, 12 and 14; and
  • Review of standard conditions in light of relevant Code provisions.



Aden Miegel, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Peter is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia.

Gavin Leydon, Principal - Planning, Development and Environment - Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Gavin leads the firm’s Planning, Development and Environment Team and is a specialist in property development, urban and regional planning, environmental and administrative law. 

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Dog & Cat Management and Local Nuisance Essentials


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council Officers, General Inspectors, Authorised Officers, Environmental Health Officers and Managers



To provide an overview of the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 and summarise the fundamental legal concepts of issuing control orders and undertaking enforcement under the Act.  The course will provide participants with various different statutory interpretations contained within the Act and present a number case studies to assist with understanding the application of the Act.  

This Session will also provide an overview of the Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016 (LNLC Act) and summarise the fundamental concepts that underpin the legislation. The course will also provide participants with an understanding of the subjective nature of nuisance under the LNLC Act, evidentiary aids and tips for conducting investigations. 

The training session will comprise a combination of different formats including: a tutorial to teach the concepts; hypothetical examples to illustrate the concepts in a practical setting; and an open forum session where participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek guidance and advice.


Key Learnings

  • Dog and Cat Management Act 1995
  • Responsibilities of dog owners
  • Issuing of Control Orders and Prohibition Orders
  • Appeals of Orders
  • Enforcement under the Act
  • Prosecution proceedings
  • Council obligations and powers
  • Summary of the LNLC Act
  • Notice issuing process
  • Interaction with other legislation
  • Agreements
  • Infrastructure delivery mechanisms



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.  

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Dog and Cat Management - Useful Tools for Difficult Situations


Duration: Full Day 
Investment: $670 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council Officers, General Inspectors and Managers



To provide an overview of the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 and summarise the fundamental legal concepts of issuing control orders and undertaking enforcement under the Act.  The course will provide participants with various different statutory interpretations contained within the Act and present a number case studies to assist with understanding the application of the Act.  The full day will also compromise a session on the issuing of control orders and prohibition orders, appeals of these orders in the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal and the commencement of prosecution proceedings.


Key Learnings

  • Dog and Cat Management Act 1995
  • Responsibilities of dog owners
  • Issuing of Control Orders and Prohibition Orders
  • Appeals of Orders
  • Enforcement under the Act
  • Prosecution proceedings



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.  

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Dog Management


Duration: Half day
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Webinar 
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

  • Employees/ contractors of councils who are managers
  • Team leaders and animal management officers/rangers/authorised officers under the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995



This training is designed for officers who respond to requests made by the public to pick-up and manage wandering and injured dogs and who conduct investigations as a result of breaches of the legislation. 


Key Learnings

  • The legislation, specifically concentrating on all recent amendments and its effect on council processes and procedures
  • Public officer duties and the powers of authorised officers pursuant to the legislation who give directions and cautions and who conduct of investigations
  • The issuing of expiation notices and civil orders pursuant to the Act.
  • The legislation dealing with the seizure and detention of animals and the appropriate forms to complete upon utilising these powers



Paul Kelly, Partner, Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team.  Paul’s experience includes governance, policy advice, administrative law issues and statutory interpretation. Representing client councils in contested matters in the Magistrates Court, the Liquor Licensing Court and Tribunal, the District Court, the Supreme Court and the Environment, Resources and Development Court, is a principal area of Paul’s practice.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Drafting Enforcement Notices


Duration: 1 Hour
Investment: $120 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar

Please note: 1 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) point/s is/are available for this session


Target Audience

All council development staff, including compliance officers, DA planners, building officers and management.  External planning consultants assisting councils with such functions.



Enforcement notices are used regularly by councils as a method of seeking compliance of owners, developers and occupiers with the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.  However, the way an enforcement notice is drafted, could have validity ramifications when used in an appeal in the Environment, Resources and Development Court. 

This workshop provides an overview of the statutory requirements for issuing an enforcement notice and offers best practice drafting tips to ensure an enforcement notices’ validity. Participants will work through examples of invalid enforcement notices and draft a best practice enforcement notice using a  hypothetic scenario.


Key Learnings

  • Guidance on the relevant statutory requirements that apply to councils when issuing enforcement notices; 
  • Understanding of the common errors made in drafting of enforcement notices; and
  • Practical skill development on drafting of enforcement notices.



Rebecca McAulay, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Aden Miegel, Principal - Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers

Rebecca and Aden are Principals in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers. This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia.


Additional Information

For further information about the content of this program or to enquire about having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council or to a ‘Council Hub’ near you please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Human Resource Officers, Managers and CEOs



Council employees have the duty to ensure that they take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that they do not adversely affect the health and safety of others. This duty extends to ensuring the performance of their duties is not adversely affected by drugs and / or alcohol.

Having a comprehensive drug and alcohol policy and an associated procedure will provide councils with the appropriate avenues to test, manage and discipline employees who are impaired by drugs and/pr alcohol in the workplace.

This session will discuss what is required in a drug and alcohol policy and the associated procedure, and what testing and disciplinary processes councils can implement.   


Key Learnings

  • What is required in a drug and alcohol policy and an associated procedure;
  • Different forms and types of testing;
  • Alcohol consumption during social and work-related events; and
  • Investigation and disciplinary process where there is a reasonable suspicion of impairment. 



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



EA/PA Circle Network Forum


Duration: Full day and pre-event dinner 
Investment: TBC
Location: TBC
PRE-FORUM DINNER: Thursday 31 July 2025
FORUM: Friday 1 August 2025  

Target Audience

Executive Assistants, Personal Assistants and Senior Administration Officers.


The function of Council Executive Assistants and Personal Assistants has transitioned from being primarily a supportive role, to a position of strategic significance. CEOs and Mayors increasingly rely on you for crucial analysis, strategic guidance, and technical expertise, which has led to a heightened demand for the enhancement of skills, building new proficiencies and a broad knowledge and understanding of the sector.

If you are interested in suggesting topics for the 2025 forum please email

Each year LGA Training book a table looked a table a centrally located restaurant and host a pay-your-way dinner. We encourage you to consider attending this per-forum event as it is a great networking opportunity. Information about the 2024 pay your way dinner will be available when the 2025 Forum program is launched.  

If you are interested in becoming a member of the EAPAC please click here.

For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Employment Relationships


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp (to be eligible for a discount, click here to enrol in the full series)
Delivery: Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council staff, Human Resources, Executive Team and CEOs. 



While each council has its individual enterprise agreements, each enterprise agreement must be read in conjunction with the applicable Award. It is essential to have a solid understanding of the minimum requirements under the respective Awards, its operation and application when dealing with employee relations and for the purposes of enterprise bargaining negotiations.
With this in mind, Norman Waterhouse is pleased to offer a new training workshop series focused on breaking down and explaining the provisions both, the South Australian Municipal Salaried Officers Award and the Local Government Employee Award.


Key Learnings

  • Understanding different employment relationships and types of employment in Local Government
  • Appointment and probation
  • Contractual obligations



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last twenty years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Enhanced Public Speaking and Presenting for Elected Members


Duration: Half day 
Investment: $430 incl GST 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Live via virtual classroom
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Elected Members



Being able to communicate effectively is one of life’s most important skills. It allows you to connect with people, to deliver information and to form positive relationships. Communicating in a way that builds trust, respect and engagement with your listeners is becoming more essential than ever before as we adjust to the challenges of today’s fast-paced world where everyone is competing to be heard. In a relaxed and safe setting, learn how to refine your public speaking and presentation techniques so that you become a strong and vibrant communicator, capable of delivering key messages in any forum.


Key Learnings

  • Preparation: how to start, when to stop;
  • Structure and signposting to help frame a speech/presentation that will resonate;
  • The KISS principle: key messages and talking points that will keep you on track;
  • The importance of words and phrasing that are clear and easy to understand;
  • Speech rhythm, tone and inflection to ensure your audience stays engaged;
  • Analogies and anecdotes to explain complex ideas and statistics;
  • Presentation and demeanour support to build on image and brand;
  • Body language – the tricks and pitfalls; and Insider tricks of the trade.



Georgina McGuinness, Director – McGuinness Media
Georgina is an experienced media relations, external communications and stakeholder engagement executive, who has forged a career of more than 30 years in communications. For 25 years, Georgina presented Adelaide’s premier weekend news bulletin on Channel 9. Away from the news desk, she was also a senior journalist, sub-editor, producer, chief of staff and documentary presenter. Georgina has received awards for TV journalism and participated in a news presenter exchange with Adelaide’s sister city, Austin, Texas. More recently, Georgina has been a speech-writer to two State Opposition Leaders and Senior Communications Adviser, to then Leader of the Opposition (and current SA Premier) the Hon Steven Marshall MP.

This unique background across media and government has allowed her to establish a wealth of experience and expertise in communication, stakeholder engagement, key message development, publicity, branding and presentation.

In April 2014, she established McGuinness Media and in the seven years since, she has experienced strong and growing demand for her services assisting high level Australian and international clients across a range of industries.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Please note: Elected Members are encouraged to confirm with their administrators authorisation to register, prior to committing.


Enterprise Bargaining and Agreement Making


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Human Resource Officers, Managers and CEOs



This session examines the legislative framework that regulates agreement making, informing you of the temporal and procedural requirements to be observed in industrial negotiations.

We will also provide strategic steps in negotiating enterprise agreements so that councils can achieve a better outcome when negotiating with other representatives.     


Key Learnings

  • Procedural requirements for commencing negotiations;
  • Negotiation strategies;
  • Targeting productivity and flexibility; and
  • Procedural requirements for voting and process for approval of an enterprise agreement.



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Environmental Law for Local Government


Duration: 2 Hours 
Investment: $245 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

Environment and Sustainability Officers; Property Officers; Planning and Development Officers; Risk Officers; and Managers in these areas.



Local government is affected by environmental laws and regulation in various ways, including:
  • as a potential polluter 
  • in its role as manager of environmental assets
  • as holder of environmental authorisations for licensed activities (EPA licences)
  • in its role as a planning authority 
  • as an environmental regulator for local nuisance and litter 
  • as the owner of contaminated land (such as former landfills, council works depots etc) 
  • in commercial dealings with land that is, or may be, contaminated.   
This course is designed to provide a basic introduction to key environmental law concepts and legislation that most affects local government, with a focus on practical application and risk management.

Attendees will gain confidence in identifying risk issues, and then working through those issues, including in interactions with the EPA.


Key Learnings

  • Explanation of statutory definitions; statutory pollution offences; statutory defences; EPA reporting obligations   
  • Discussion about key issues in environmental regulation and management
  • Discussion about how to approach an EPA investigation and manage associated risk
  • Introduction to site contamination
  • Overview of recent case law involving environmental issues, climate change and environment protection 



Peter Psaltis, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Peter is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Ethics for Accredited Professionals


Duration: 1 hour
Investment: $120 inc GST pp
Delivery: Face to Face & Virtual

(Delivery methods are subject to change)

Please note: 1 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) point is available for this session


Target Audience

Accredited professionals:
  • Building levels 1‚ 2, 3 and 4
  • Surveyors
  • Planning levels 1‚ 2, 3 and 4
  • Panel members



This session will satisfy the relevant minimum CPD requirement for ethics in planning for all accredited professionals.
It will be a workshop style focusing on conflict of interest and bias issues facing accredited professionals in development assessment, code amendments and infrastructure planning.


Key Learnings

  • Enhanced understanding and appreciation of key ethical issues arising in building, surveying, and planning.



Peter Psaltis, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Peter is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia.

Felice D'Agostino, Principal - Norman Waterhouse Lawyers 
Felice D’Agostino assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. Felice takes a practical and solutions-based approach to representing her clients and assisting them to deal with competing pressures. As a Principal in Norman Waterhouse’s Employment, Governance and Regulatory Services team Felice specialises in governance and public administration and is committed to assisting her clients to make defensible decisions that will withstand scrutiny.


Additional Information

No ‘Dates’ scheduled below?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Expiation Notices - The Essentials


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar  
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council Officers, General Inspectors and Managers of these areas



To provide an overview of the Expiation of Offences Act 1996 (the Act) and summarise the fundamental concepts that underpin expiation notices. 

The course will also provide participants with an understanding of the relationship between the Act, Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Act 2017 and various other legislation enforced by local government in South Australia. 

The half day session will assist participants in understanding their powers to issue an expiation notice, reviews of expiation notices, obligations under the Act and the requirements of a compliant expiation notice.


Key Learnings

  • Issuing of expiation notices
  • Requirements of expiation notices
  • Summary of the Expiation of Offences Act 1996
  • Governance issues
  • Reviews of expiation notices
  • Debt recovery
  • Elections to be prosecuted
  • Interaction with other legislation



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Expiations under the PDI Act


Duration: 2 Hours
Investment: $245 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session



Target Audience

Building and compliance staff.



Under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and its associated regulations a range of new expiation fees have been fixed (primarily for building offences) in relation to offences that were not previously able to be expiated.

The ability to issue expiation notices for breaches of the legislation is a very useful, cheap and often effective enforcement tool that can be used by councils. There is however a need to understand the legislative regime that regulates expiation notices and this session will provide Council officers with the knowledge and capability to decide when and how to issue expiation notices.

The session will also include practical examples related to the relevant building offences and discuss the evidence and documentation required to issue expiation notices.


Key Learnings

  • An understanding of the legislative framework that regulates expiations;
  • The new expiable offences;
  • When and how to issue expiation notices.



Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
With a passion for public sector governance and regulatory control, Dale has been helping councils and other local authorities to govern, protect and enhance their local communities for over 10 years. Dale frequently presents workshops and training sessions for a wide variety of public sector clients and lectures in environmental health law at Flinders University.

Aden Miegel, Principal - Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Aden is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Fair Treatment and Equal Opportunity Act


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Human Resource Officers, Managers, Team Leaders and CEOs



Fair and equal treatment of all employees should be a pillar of the council’s organisational and community ethos. Certain conduct and decisions can lead to claims against the council on the basis of discrimination, race, religion and / or sex.

This session will explore what your council needs to consider when making decisions regarding current or potential employees and the legal ramifications when discrimination occurs. 


Key Learnings

  • Obligations under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA) and what is considered discrimination;
  • Federal anti-discrimination law - Age Discrimination Act 2004, Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Racial Discrimination Act 1975, and Sex Discrimination Act 1984;
  • What is considered adverse action?; and
  • Defining ‘reasonable management action taken in a reasonable manner’.



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Food Safety Regulation and the Law


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar  
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Environmental Health Officers, General Inspectors and Managers of these areas



To provide an overview of councils’ responsibilities under the Food Act 2001 (the Food Act) and requirements for food businesses to comply with the Food Act and the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. 

The course will also provide participants with an understanding of their powers under the Food Act and tips in conducting investigations and undertaking enforcement under the Food Act. 

The half day session will comprise of a seminar and hypothetical scenarios to illustrate concepts in a practical setting.  The session will also include an open forum where participants may ask questions and seek guidance and advice in relation to investigations and enforcement under the Food Act. 


Key Learnings

  • Summary of the Food Act 2001
  • Requirements of food businesses
  • Investigating allegations of non-compliance
  • Powers of authorised officers
  • Seizure and analysis of food samples
  • Evidence gathering



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Freedom of Information, Records Management and Confidentiality


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar


Target Audience

Governance staff, records management staff and CEOs. 



This session focuses on the interaction between local government freedom of information, records management, confidentiality and disclosure obligations. In this course we will provide an overview of: 

  • the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA) (FOI Act) including what information is accessible under the FOI Act and documents exempt from disclosure; 
  • records management obligations;
  • Confidentiality obligations under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (LG Act); and
  • Requirements under the LG Act to make documents and information publicly available.

Key Learnings

  • Understanding what documents can be accessed under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA)
  • Record management obligations
  • Confidentiality orders under the LG Act and their effect.


Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations.

Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
With a passion for public sector governance and regulatory control, Dale has been helping councils and other local authorities to govern, protect and enhance their local communities for over 10 years. Dale frequently presents workshops and training sessions for a wide variety of public sector clients and lectures in environmental health law at Flinders University.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Frivolous & Vexatious Complaints


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Governance Officers, Freedom of Information Officers 



Members of the public are entitled to complain. Members of the public are also able to express dissatisfaction in other ways, such as through requests for reviews of decisions or (in some cases) freedom of information applications. However, councils are entitled to refuse to deal with complaints, requests and applications if there is a proper basis for doing so. Generally, if a complaint, request or application is ‘frivolous’ or ‘vexatious’, this will be an appropriate basis to refuse to deal with the matter.

Therefore, council staff members must be able to identify when a matter is in fact ‘frivolous’ or ‘vexatious’, and must know what rights and obligations the council has in respect of dealing with such matters.


Key Learnings

  • The legislative basis of councils’ obligations to deal with complaints;
  • What constitutes a frivolous or vexatious complaint;
  • How to appropriately deal with or refuse to deal with frivolous or vexatious complaints;
  • What sorts of matters apart from complaints can be refused on the basis of being frivolous or vexatious;
  • Foreshadowed amendments to freedom of information legislation which will expressly introduce the concept of ‘frivolous or vexatious’ freedom of information applications;
  • Requirements relating to council policies and procedures.



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Governance Forum


Duration: Full day and pre-event dinner 
Investment: TBC
Location: TBC
PRE-FORUM DINNER: Thursday 23 October 2025
FORUM: Friday 24 October 2025  

Target Audience: 

For Local Government Governance Officers and other officers working on governance matters within Councils.


The 2025 Local Government Governance Forum is an unmissable event for council Governance professionals committed to upholding integrity, transparency, and efficiency in local government operations. Your role is pivotal in ensuring councils operate within legal frameworks, maintain good governance principles, and foster trust and accountability in the community.

This forum offers a unique opportunity for the Governance network to come together to learn, share, and grow. With the collective experience of professionals from across the state, the forum will provide a supportive space to discuss common challenges, share lessons learned, and explore innovative approaches to strengthening governance practices.

While the program is still being developed, the forum will feature thought-provoking discussions, collaborative sessions, and valuable networking opportunities designed to inspire and equip attendees with practical takeaways to enhance their work.

Join us to connect with peers, exchange ideas, and reaffirm your vital role in ensuring good governance for the benefit of councils and their communities. Stay tuned for more details about this engaging and dynamic event!


LGA Training have booked a table at Lemongrass Thai Bistro - 289 Rundle St, Adelaide from 6pm the night prior to the forum (Thursday, 23 October 2025). We encourage you to come along to this great networking opportunity. If you would like to attend the pay-your-way dinner, please email

Acknowledging Norman Waterhouse Lawyers as LGA Legal Partner and sponsor of this Forum.
Norman Waterhouse Lawyers Logo
For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Governance Officer Workshop: Council Member Behavioural Management Framework


Duration: Half day
Investment: $430 inc GST per person
Delivery: Face to face & Webinar


Target Audience

Governance Officers only

Please note: this session is NOT designed for Elected Members.​



This course will involve a detailed consideration of the new behavioural management framework to assist governance officers support their councils and council members.  The following elements of the framework will be discussed:
  • Council Member Integrity Provisions
  • Behavioural Standards 
  • Action that can be taken for breaches of the Behavioural Standards
  • Health and safety duties and the giving of directions to Council members 
  • Role and function of Behavioural Standards Panel
  • Referrals and complaints to the Behavioural Standards Panel
  • Misbehaviour, repeated misbehaviour and serious misbehaviour
  • Role and Function of the Ombudsman
  • Behavioural Support Policies
  • LGA Model Behavioural Management Policy
  • Complaints to the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal



Felice D’Agostino‚ Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
With a passion for public sector governance and regulatory control, Dale has been helping councils and other local authorities to govern, protect and enhance their local communities for over 10 years. Dale frequently presents workshops and training sessions for a wide variety of public sector clients and lectures in environmental health law at Flinders University.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at

Please note: this session is NOT designed for Elected Members.​


Grant writing: a new approach


Duration: Half day
Investment: $430 inc GST per person
Delivery: Face to Face & Webinar


Target Audience

All council staff applying for Australian or State government grants. Open to all levels.



Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has said his government is taking a ‘new approach to grants for local government’ and has opened funding up to a broader range of areas that have not been covered in the last 10 years. Funding is now available in areas including the arts, environment, climate change, infrastructure and more. With any change comes changes to processes.

This training offers insight into how, why, and what these changes mean to local government and your grant preparation.


Key Learnings

  • An understanding of the Australian and State government’s new approach to grants and information about how to navigate the changes to the system.  
  • An understanding of the best approach in preparing a ‘stand-out’ grant application that impresses your application assessor. 
  • An understanding of the new reporting requirements: past grants are now becoming an eligibility requirement for future applications.
  • Insight into natural disaster grants and funding. 
  • Growing Regions funding - What to expect in Round TWO.
  • Regional Partnerships Funding



Colin Steele, Managing Director - Section51
Colin Steele, Section51, has been supporting councils across Australia with grants and funding for over 13 years.  Before Section51, in addition to working as a local government planner, Colin worked in multiple NSW and Australian Government Departments on grants and funding. He was Director of the Local Government Policy Team in the Department of Infrastructure during the Global Financial Crisis under Minister Albanese. Colin’s team in government was part of the design and administration of multiple Australian government grant programs for local government, He worked on national climate change policy for the Australian Government, for Attorney Generals Department on Natural Disaster Funding and ran the NSW recovery task force following the 2003 bushfires.  


Additional Information

No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Handling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace


Duration: 2 Hours
Investment: $245 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

Human Resources, People and Culture, Executive Team, Senior Managers and CEOs. 



Now more than ever, there is a public push for the elimination of sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace. The recent changes to the Federal Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) making sexual harassment fall within the definition of serious misconduct sends a strong message, to all jurisdictions, that conduct of such nature must be dealt with seriously. 

It is important for human resource professionals to have a solid understanding of what constitutes sexual harassment, how the complaints should be handled, when complaints should be reported to authorities, and what support can be offered to complainants. 

This session discusses the importance of the employers’ and senior officers’ role in taking a proactive approach to preventing and eliminating sexual harassment in their workplace, and when a complaint is made how to handle investigations sensitively. 


Key Learnings

  • Recognising sexual harassment in its different forms
  • Understanding the effects and impact of sexual harassment
  • Complaint handling and disciplinary process
  • Providing support to complainants and victims of sexual harassment 
  • Obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (Cth)
  • Sexual discrimination complaints under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA)



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


How to Use LGA Delegations Templates Workshop


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face and Webinar


Target Audience

Governance Officers



The LGA Delegations Framework is an invaluable tool for councils, but is your council using the templates correctly and most effectively?

The workshop will provide a practical demonstration of the LGA Delegations Framework and provide participants with hands on experience in using the templates. Tips for getting the most out of the templates and traps to watch out for will be discussed and participants will have the opportunity to have all their questions answered.



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

You may be interested in Council Delegations.

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



ICAC Overview - Maladministration, Misconduct, Corruption for Elected Members


Duration: Half Day 
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

Elected Members



As members of local government bodies, elected members must be aware of, and comply with their obligations as public officers pursuant to the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA) (‘ICAC Act’) and Ombudsman Act (SA) 1972 (‘Ombudsman Act’).

This session will explain the primary objects of the ICAC Act and Ombudsman Act, what constitutes maladministration, misconduct and corruption in public administration, how such matters are investigated and the reporting obligations of public officers.


Key Learnings

  • Role of the Independent Commission Against Corruption
  • Role of the Ombudsman
  • Definitions of, and real-life examples of maladministration, misconduct and corruption
  • Reporting obligations of public officers under the ICAC Act and Ombudsman Act
  • How corruption, misconduct and maladministration matters are handled



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at


ICAC Overview - Maladministration, Misconduct, Corruption for Officers


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

All council employees



As public officers, council employees must be aware of, and comply with their obligations pursuant to the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA) (‘ICAC Act’).

This session will explain the primary objects of the ICAC Act, what constitutes maladministration, misconduct and corruption in public administration, the reporting obligations of public officers and implications of breaches.


Key Learnings

  • Role of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption 
  • Definitions of, and real-life examples of maladministration, misconduct and corruption in public administration
  • Obligations of public officers pursuant to the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA)
  • Reporting obligations under the ICAC framework
  • Implications of breaches, including criminal sanctions



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at


Introduction to Community Engagement for Council Officers


Duration: 1 Day 
Investment: $670 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face only
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Community Engagement Officers and Managers in the Community Development, Communications Officers, Community Services, Planning and Development, Infrastructure and Strategic Planning areas.



Community engagement is about involving communities in decision making processes, which is critical in the successful development of acceptable policies and sustainable decisions in government, the private sector, and the community.

This one-day workshop is designed for staff who need to understand the basics of engaging with the community when it is required under Section 50 of the LG Act; and where community input can contribute to sustainable decision making.

The Community Engagement Project undertaken by the LGA produced a handbook resource for Councils across South Australia. The Community Engagement Handbook is based on the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) model and provides a basic community engagement framework for Councils.


Key Learnings

  • What is meant by community engagement in a local government context
  • Spectrum of community engagement
  • Legislative requirements in relation to local government decision making
  • Planning, implementing and evaluating community engagement
  • Developing a community engagement plan



Brett Manuel, Associate, North Projects
Brett is a skillfull, senior Stakeholder and Community Engagement practitioner with experience strategically planning and delivering cutting edge community and stakeholder engagement programs, predominantly for SA Government departments.

A motivator and innovator, Brett thinks differently and comes up with solutions which minimise stakeholder risks and maximises project benefits.

His collaborative work style and contribution to social justice initiatives, underpinned by inclusive community and stakeholder engagement practices, have been positively acknowledged by work colleagues and project stakeholders alike.


Additional Information

This course is part one of a two-part series. Part two is Techniques for Participation in Community Engagement.

Staff who want to understand how to select the most appropriate technique need to first understand the basics of community engagement in a local government context.
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2080 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Introduction to Legal Obligations - Employee Entitlements for Payroll and Finance Officers


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

Payroll Officers, Finance Officers, Human Resources



Payroll and Finance Officers take care of wages and salaries, which, generally, is one of the largest expenditures for councils. It is important for officers to have an understanding of employee entitlements under the various awards and industrial instruments in order for them to correctly prepare and process these entitlements.  

This session provides an overview of the minimum employee entitlements prescribed by various awards, and how it interacts with enterprise agreements.


Key Learnings

  • Employee entitlements under the SAMSOA and LGE Award;
  • Different classifications, rates of pay and allowances;
  • Pay, overtime and penalty rates; and
  • Leave entitlements, TOIL and RDOs



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Introduction to Legal Obligations - Good Governance


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

All new council staff and staff who take on a governance officer role



Following the Introduction to Local Government course, this session focuses on good governance in Local Government. Participants will gain an understanding of the practices, procedures and systems within Local Government, as well as an overview of the decision-making powers of councils.

We will discuss what ‘governance’ is within the Local Government context and why good governance is necessary for accountability and successful operation of a council.  


Key Learnings

  • Overview of the decision making powers of councils including delegations and meeting procedures
  • Understanding duties and responsibilities of public officers
  • Legislative compliance obligations under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA)
  • Understanding the oversight and accountability under the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA)
  • Developing skills in relation to community engagement



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Introduction to Legal Obligations - Industrial Relations


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

New Human Resources, People and Culture, Executive Team, Managers and CEOs. 



Following the Introduction to Local Government course, this session focuses on Industrial Relations in Local Government. Participants will gain an understanding of the different employment relationships within Local Government, the application of Enterprise Agreements, Awards, the Fair Work Act 1994 (SA) and other industrial instruments.

We will run through the best practices for disciplinary processes and handling unfair dismissal applications in the South Australian Employment Tribunal.


Key Learnings

  • Understanding employment relationships and types of employment in Local Government
  • Application of Enterprise Agreements, industry Awards, the Fair Work Act 1994 (SA) and other applicable industrial instruments
  • Contracts of employment in Local Government
  • Employee obligations under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA)
  • Performance management processes and disciplinary procedures
  • Unfair Dismissals, monetary claims and industrial disputes within the State jurisdiction



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Introduction to Legal Obligations – New council staff (general)


Duration: Full Day  
Investment: $670 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

All council staff new to Local Government, or existing staff who are progressing to another role within Local Government. (Please note there is a separate session Legal Obligations for New Senior Level Staff for new managers, team leaders and executive staff)



This session provides staff with a general introduction to Local Government and an overview of the legal obligations that apply to all council employees. We will look at the obligations and responsibilities of public officers and key legislation that applies such as the Local Government Act 1999 (SA), the amended Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA), Ombudsman Act 1972 (SA) and learn about the conduct and behavioural expectations of council employees. 


Key Learnings

  • Understanding local government and the roles and functions of councils
  • Obligations under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA)
  • Preventing misconduct, maladministration and corruption - understanding the amended Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA) and Ombudsman Act 1972 (SA)
  • Conduct and behavioural expectations of employees
  • Bullying, harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Compliance with council policy and procedures
  • Obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Introduction to Legal Obligations – New senior council staff


Duration: Full Day  
Investment: $670 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

All new senior council staff such as Managers, Directors, Executive Team and People Leaders. 



This session will provide an introduction to Local Government tailored to staff in senior positions who are new to Local Government. The course will provide a high-level overview of the legal obligations arising under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) and the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA). Senior staff will gain an understanding of the application of Enterprise Agreements, Awards and other industrial instruments within Local Government. The session will also cover the conduct and behavioural expectations of council staff and the disciplinary process for misconduct and unfair dismissal in the State jurisdiction. 


Key Learnings

  • Understand the roles and functions of councils 
  • Overview of the decision-making powers of councils 
  • Understand the obligations of public officers under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) 
  • Understand the obligations under the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA) and what constitutes maladministration, misconduct and corruption 
  • The key industrial instruments that apply to Local Government, including the Fair Work Act 1994 (SA), Enterprise Agreements, Awards and individual employment contracts 
  • Managing staff conduct, behaviour and performance 
  • Disciplinary process and unfair dismissal in Local Government 
  • Obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) 



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Introduction to Legal Obligations - Planning


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

New development assessment planners, building officers and development compliance officers, as well as team leaders, managers and directors in those areas. 



Following the Introduction to Local Government course, this session provides an introduction to key legal concepts and issues in planning, building and development assessment and compliance. 

In particular, participants will gain a broad overview of the role of local government in the new planning system established under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and associated regulations. 


Key Learnings

  • Roles and responsibilities of councils, council or regional assessment panels, assessment managers, accredited professionals and council staff in the new system
  • Delegations frameworks, and how to use the LGA delegations templates 
  • Policy instruments under the PDI Act and how to amend them
  • Overview of the development assessment process including relevant authorities, assessment pathways, application requirements, public consultation, agency referrals, assessment timeframes, decision-making, reserved matters and conditions, and review and appeal mechanisms. 
  • Overview of building regulation under the new system
  • Overview of the compliance mechanisms and the role of local government in development compliance
  • Role of the Environment Resources and Development Court
  • Relevant case law 



The Norman Waterhouse Environment and Planning Team is recognised at the largest and pre-eminent team advising and representing local government in South Australia. The team currently comprises 7 legal practitioners, and has been consistently recognised by its peers in the legal services industry as being a market leader in this area.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Introduction to Legal Obligations - Property and Assets


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

Property Officers, Assets and Maintenance Officers, Managers 



This session provides staff with an introduction to important property concepts applicable to Local Government and an overview of the legal framework and governance considerations that apply to council-owned and controlled land and other assets, under the Local Government Act 1999, Crown Land Management Act 2009, Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 and Real Property Act 1886


Key Learnings

  • Understanding key property concepts relevant to local government
  • Introduction to the legislative framework applicable to:
    • Crown land
    • Community land
    • Public roads
    • Leases and licenses
    • Other interests including easements and encumbrances
    • Lands Titles Office requirements
  • Understanding key governance considerations applicable to dealings with local government property. 



Yari McCall, Special Counsel – Commercial and Property – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Yari has been at Norman Waterhouse and practising in the area of local government property for nearly 15 years.  Yari acts for both local government and private clients on all property-related transactional matters. Yari has additional expertise in infrastructure and development matters involving local government. 

Lisa Hubbard, Special Counsel – Commercial and Property – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Lisa is an experienced local government property lawyer.  Lisa has additional expertise in compulsory acquisition matters and also native title, Aboriginal heritage and land access matters, having acted for local government, native title holders, pastoral lease holders and mining industry participants. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Introduction to Legal Obligations - Rates


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

New and intermediate rates and finance officers



Following the Introduction to Local Government course, this session focuses on ‘rates’ within Local Government. Councils must tax their constituents in order to provide services which benefit those constituents. This is a fundamental feature of representative government. In the case of local government, the power to tax is conferred by the ‘rating’ provisions of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA).

The power to tax is a power which must be exercised equitably and accurately, and strictly in accordance with the parameters set out by legislation. The work of rates and finance officers is vital to local government, and so all rates and finance officers must have a proper understanding of the legal basis of rating. 


Key Learnings

  • The different types of rates and charges which may be imposed under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA)
  • Elements of rates, including fixed charges, value of land, differentiating factors, minimum rates, and maximum rates
  • When, why and how separate rates, service rates and service charges may be imposed
  • Procedural requirements for the adoption of rates and charges
  • Mandatory rebates, discretionary rebates, postponements, and remissions
  • The assessment record
  • Requirements for rates notices
  • Whom a council can recover rates from, and the consequences of default by a ratepayer



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Introduction to Legal Obligations - Regulatory Services


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

New officers, Compliance Officers, Community Safety Officers, General Inspectors, Environmental Health Officers, Authorised Officers and their Managers.



Following the Introduction to Local Government course, this session provides an introduction to Regulatory Services within Local Government. Participants will gain an understanding of the vast powers available to regulatory staff and the enforcement of these powers under the various legislative tools. This course will provide a high-level overview of how to effectively investigate and report breaches to the legislation including successful gathering of evidence to present in court proceedings. 


Key Learnings

  • Obligations under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) 
  • General overview of the source of powers
  • Understanding the difference between delegations and authorisations
  • Enforcement under various legislation
  • Investigate alleged breaches of legislation and evidence gathering
  • Dealing with court proceedings



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislation.

Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
With a passion for public sector governance and regulatory control, Dale has been helping councils and other local authorities to govern, protect and enhance their local communities for over 10 years. Dale frequently presents workshops and training sessions for a wide variety of public sector clients and lectures in environmental health law at Flinders University.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Introduction to Rates


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

New and intermediate rates and finance officers



Councils must tax their constituents in order to provide services which benefit those constituents. This is a fundamental feature of representative government. In the case of local government, the power to tax is conferred by the ‘rating’ provisions of the Local Government Act 1999.

The power to tax is a power which must be exercised equitably and accurately, and strictly in accordance with the parameters set out by legislation. The work of rates and finance officers is vital to local government, and so all rates and finance officers must have a proper understanding of the legal basis of rating.


Key Learnings

  • The different types of rates and charges which may be imposed under the Local Government Act 1999;
  • Elements of rates, including fixed charges, value of land, differentiating factors, minimum rates, and maximum rates;
  • When, why and how separate rates, service rates and service charges may be imposed;
  • Procedural requirements for the adoption of rates and charges;
  • Mandatory rebates, discretionary rebates, postponements, and remissions;
  • The assessment record;
  • Requirements for rates notices;
  • Whom a council can recover rates from, and the consequences of default by a ratepayer.



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Investigation and Evidence Gathering


Duration: Half day
Investment: $410 inc GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar 

Please note: 3 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

Compliance Officers, Authorised Officers, Building Officers, Planning Officers and Managers of such officers.



Rome wasn’t built in a day! It takes time, and sometimes years to master the skills of effective investigation and evidence gathering. However, if it is not done correctly, it may as well not be done at all.  

In gathering information, it is imperative for officers to understand what evidence is and the different elements of the offences which they are investigating so that ultimately they may then prove their case to the requisite standard depending on which enforcement tool is utilised.  

The importance of a planned and thorough investigation should not be underestimated.  Officers must be able to effectively take good notes and prepare statements, undertake interviews, prepare exhibits and keep good records to ensure they can achieve their desired outcome.


Key Learnings

  • Understand the rules of evidence and burdens of proof;
  • The elements of offences;
  • How to exercise cautions;
  • How to take notes and establish good record keeping practices;
  • How to conduct an informal and formal interview with suspects and witnesses;
  • How to prepare statements; and
  • Etiquette and tips on building rapport in investigations.



Paul Kelly, Principal – Environment, Health and Regulatory Services
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

Norman Waterhouse Lawyers have significant experience in advising upon and dealing with regulatory matters for local government councils across the full suite of statutory regimes under which councils have functions and responsibilities. Over the last few years, they have provided extensive training on these topics to the local government sector.  The Norman Waterhouse Team is recognised as the largest of its kind in this State and is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of such advice to the local government sector in South Australia.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Land Division and Infrastructure Delivery under the PDI Act


Duration: 2 Hours
Investment: $245 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

Planners, Managers, Engineers, Relevant Authorities (including CAP, Assessment Managers, Accredited Professionals, SPC and delegates)



This session will assist councils and relevant authorities under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 to navigate the assessment of applications for land division and the mechanisms for delivery of infrastructure.


Key Learnings

  • Review of statutory processes under the PDI Act and comparison to previous statutory regime under the Development Act
  • Relevant provisions in the Planning and Design Code
  • Learnings from case law
  • Relationship with development assessment
  • Bonding agreements
  • Infrastructure delivery mechanisms



Rebecca McAulay, Principal – Environment & Planning – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Rebecca is a Principal in the Environment & Planning Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  This Norman Waterhouse Team is recognised as the largest of its kind in this State and is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of such advice to the local government sector in South Australia.

Yari McCall, Senior Associate – Property, Infrastructure and Commercial – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Yari has expertise in strategic property and major infrastructure projects as well as all general dealings with land; including due diligence, sales and purchases, leases, licenses, management agreements, easements, encumbrances and caveats. Yari advises both local government and private clients and she is an engaging presenter with a keen interest in providing professional development and training opportunities for clients on a variety of topics.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Land Management Agreements


Duration: 2 Hours
Investment: $245 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​ 

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

Planners, Managers, Property Officers, Relevant Authorities (including CAP, Assessment Managers, Accredited Professionals, SPC and delegates)



This session will assist councils and relevant authorities under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 to understand the utility of land management agreements in relation to development.


Key Learnings

  • Review of statutory processes under the PDI Act and comparison to previous statutory regime under the Development Act 
  • Learnings from case law
  • Relationship with development assessment
  • Drafting tips 
  • New LTO requirements



Rebecca McAulay, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Rebecca is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia. 

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Leave Entitlements, Stand Down, TOIL and RDOs


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp (to be eligible for a discount, click here to enrol in the full series)
Delivery: Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council staff, Human Resources, Executive Team and CEOs. 



While each council has its individual enterprise agreements, each enterprise agreement must be read in conjunction with the applicable Award. It is essential to have a solid understanding of the minimum requirements under the respective Awards, its operation and application when dealing with employee relations and for the purposes of enterprise bargaining negotiations.
With this in mind, Norman Waterhouse is pleased to offer a new training workshop series focused on breaking down and explaining the provisions both, the South Australian Municipal Salaried Officers Award and the Local Government Employee Award.


Key Learnings

  • Types of leave
  • Stand down provisions
  • Correct accrual and deduction of RDOs
  • TOIL and overtime penalty rates
  • How award provisions overlap with Enterprise Agreements



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last twenty years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.

Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Legislation, Planning & Design Code and Planning Instruments


Duration: 2 Hours
Investment: $245 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

Development assessment planners, policy planners, accredited professionals & other council staff involved in development services.  



This session will provide an overview of significant changes and updates to the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, its associated Regulations, the Planning & Design Code and other planning instruments including practice directions, practice guidelines and design standards.


Key Learnings

Participants will gain an understanding of important changes to the legislation and associated instruments including those that have been recently introduced so as to equip them with the skills to perform, exercise and discharge relevant functions, powers and duties in the administration of the Act.



Gavin Leydon, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Gavin leads the firm’s Planning, Development and Environment Team and is a specialist in property development, urban and regional planning, environmental and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Team is recognised as the largest of its kind in this State and is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of such advice to the local government sector in South Australia.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Legislative Tools for Managing Bushfire Risk


Duration: 2 half days (9:30am - 12:30pm) 
Investment: $670 incl GST
Delivery: Webinar 
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Fire Prevention Officers, Team Leaders, Managers, Chief Executive Officers, Elected Members and all staff involved in fire prevention.



The LGA in conjunction with Norman Waterhouse Lawyers invite you to this one day training to address Council legislative responsibilities in bushfire risk management.

This training session will provide participants with tools to manage fire risks and assist councils in understanding their role and responsibilities with respect to fire prevention.  We will facilitate a comprehensive discussion regarding the powers and enforcement options available to councils under the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 and other legislative instruments.


Key Learnings

  • Council obligations regarding fire prevention
  • Inspection process
  • Notice issuing process
  • Council powers with respect to:
    • council land
    • private land
    • federal land 
    • crown land
  • Interaction between the FES Act and other legislation



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers 
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Life's a Beach - The Role of a Council in Managing the Foreshore


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar  
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Chief  Executive Officers, Council Officers, General Inspectors and Managers



To provide a summary of councils’ obligations in managing foreshores and the legal status of foreshores within a council’s area.  The course will provide participants with a summary of available enforcement powers for a breach of by-laws, the Local Government Act 1999 and various road traffic offences relating to foreshores. 

The half day session will also discuss the relationship between various legislation, including the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993, and how to control access to foreshores by animals under human control.  This will be run as an open forum where participants may ask questions and seek guidance and advice in relation to foreshores. 


Key Learnings

  • Council responsibilities in managing foreshores
  • Local government authority and legal status of foreshores
  • Powers of enforcement
  • Use of by-laws
  • Controlling access to foreshores
  • Interaction with other legislation



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.
The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Liquor Licensing


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 ​incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Planning Officers, Compliance Officers.



This course will provide an overview of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 procedures for dealing with applications for liquor licenses. 


Key Learnings

  • The statutory provisions in the Liquor Licensing Act
  • The procedures relating to applications
  • Breaches of the Liquor Licensing Act
  • Conditions of a licence and what can be done
  • Gathering evidence regarding non compliance
  • The role of the Council
  • The relationship between planning controls and liquor licensing 
  • Tips to follow and traps to avoid



Paul Kelly, Principal - Governance and Regulatory Services - Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Principal in the firm’s specialist Local Government Employment, Governance and Regulatory Services Team and his straightforward and pragmatic approach to legal practice delivers direct and satisfying results for his wide range of clients.  Paul’s experience includes governance, policy advice, administrative law issues and statutory interpretation. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Local Government and You


Duration: Half day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

All Council Staff



Previously called ‘Local Government – An Introduction’, this updated program includes new information about being a Public Officer under the Local Government Act 1999.

Working in the local government sector is a meaningful and a rewarding experience and an opportunity to build and grow local communities. Being part of the public service at the local level presents exciting opportunities and challenges to truly – make a difference!

‘Local Government and You’ provides an overview of the Local Government sector and the important role it plays.

With the use of relevant local government case studies this program provides robust underpinning knowledge about the way Local Governments are constituted, the separation of roles between the Council and the Administration and the responsibilities of working in a compliance environment.


Key Learnings

  • The different levels of government and why they exist;
  • The separation of powers and duties;
  • The role of Mayors, Councillors, the CEO and council employees (what it means to be a Public Officer);
  • The impact Local Governments have on communities;
  • How decisions are made about the services councils provide;
  • The importance of protecting privacy and confidentiality and
  • How you can contribute to a positive work culture while strengthening council and sector reputation within the community.

LGA Training also have a number of training offerings that may be of interest to council staff keen to further broaden their understanding of the Local Government sector:



Rowena McLean, Sector Development Director - LGA


Additional Information

No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Local Government Property Management


Duration:  Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Asset managers and property officers



Councils are responsible for managing large property portfolios that are occupied by a broad range of tenants and users. Where properties are used by third party occupiers, a lease is put in place between the council as ‘landlord’ and the third party as ‘tenant’.
Because a lease forms the basis of a legal relationship, it is important that it is clear regarding the responsibilities of each party. It is important to outline the responsibilities and obligations of the tenant and be sure that the staff tasked with managing the property portfolios (and administering the leases) have an understanding of fundamental leasing principles and concepts.


Key Learnings

  • What are the key characteristics of a lease?
  • What Acts and Regulations do you need to be aware of?
  • Lease v’s Management Agreement – what are the key differences?
  • The utility of standard terms and special conditions
  • When does a lease commence?
  • Rent and rent review mechanisms
  • Outgoings, and the recovery of outgoings from tenant
  • Common tenant obligations
  • Common landlord obligations
  • End of lease obligations
  • Key risk issues to be aware of during the negotiation of a lease



Yari McCall, Special Counsel – Commercial and Property – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Yari has been at Norman Waterhouse and practising in the area of local government property for nearly 15 years.  Yari acts for both local government and private clients on all property-related transactional matters. Yari has additional expertise in infrastructure and development matters involving local government. 

Lisa Hubbard, Senior Associate – Property, Infrastructure & Commercial & Native Title – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Lisa is an experienced property lawyer with particular expertise in local government real property and infrastructure assets and native title. Lisa has also acted for local government, native title holders, pastoral lease holders and mining industry participants in matters involving native title, Aboriginal heritage and land access. Lisa’s knowledge and understanding allows her to present training sessions, workshops and seminars to both metropolitan and regional councils.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Local Nuisance & Litter Control


Duration: 1 Day
Investment: $670 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Authorised Officers, Environmental Health Officers, General Inspectors and Managers of these areas



This program provides an overview of the Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016 (LNLC Act) and summarises the fundamental concepts that underpin the legislation (including role and powers of a council for managing nuisance, litter and illegal dumping).

The course will also provide participants with an understanding of the subjective nature of nuisance under the LNLC Act, evidentiary aids and tips for conducting investigations. 

The training session will comprise a combination of different formats including: a tutorial to teach the concepts; hypothetical examples to illustrate the concepts in a practical setting; and an open forum session where participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek guidance and advice.


Key Learnings

  • Council obligations and powers
  • Summary of the LNLC Act
  • Investigative processes and powers of authorised officers
  • Notice issuing process
  • Appeals process
  • Interaction with other legislation



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Management of Council Land and Buildings: Governance Masterclass


Duration: Half Day
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

All council staff involved in the management of council property assets‚ requests from users of council property to undertake works and governance and risk management.  



This training will cover all aspects of the property law and governance arrangements that underpin the management of property assets by councils that are the subject of a lease, licence, authorisation or permit. There will be a specific focus on the powers of councils to enter into agreements for the use of property and the governance arrangements that need to be put in place to manage those agreements (including changes that arise and works that are proposed to be carried out by users).  


Key Learnings

  • Relevant legislation;
  • Powers and functions of councils when managing council property;
  • Delegations and authorisations required to manage council property and requests received in relation to leases, licences, authorisations and permits;
  • Powers and functions of councils in relation to works proposed on council land by users of council property; and
  • The role of policies and operating procedures in managing leases, licences, authorisations and permits.



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

Taara Kennedy, Special Counsel – Native Title, Resources & Renewable Energy – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Taara has extensive experience in property law matters involving Crown land, community land, native title, Aboriginal heritage, and administrative law, as well as negotiation and drafting of complex agreements and settlements.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Managing Roads


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council Officers who manage made and unmade roads and administer authorisations and permits.



This course will provide an overview of Sections 221, 222 and 224 of the Local Government Act 1999 and the demands faced by councils when assessing and managing roads and road reserves including footpaths.

The course will also cover council's powers to carry out roadwork and recover costs including:
  • Moveable signs
  • Removal of objects
  • Street trees
  • Damage to roads
  • Managing development on adjoining roads including access.

Participants will gain an understanding of procedures to be followed, the legal risks involved and the competing views of the general public.



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.




Mandatory Behaviour catch-up session

EM Mandatory

Duration: 2hrs 
Investment: $430 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face to Face ONLY

Target Audience
Council Members who have been elected via Supplementary Election, Count-back or who have missed their Leadership Mid-term refresher module 8.1.

This session has been designed to help Council Members develop key community leadership competencies and identify attributes and develop skills that uphold the Behavioural Standards and principles of good governance.

Key objectives:
  • To develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to meet Behavioural Standards and work, health, and safety obligations for council members
  • To develop communication skills for effective working relationships and constructive ways to negotiate and influence others to perform the role
  • To develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to effectively perform a community leadership role

For more than 12 years, Steph has successfully led the design and delivery of corporate change, leadership and culture programs within organisations, including Local Government, and in consulting roles. She is passionate about people and helping leaders and teams explore their purpose, define the context they exist in and uncover the stories that define culture. Her energy and values keep her focussed on helping others be the best they can be.
Steph loves being able to facilitate connection with teams at all levels so they can realise their common goals and deliver for their customers. Steph is warm, genuine and thrives on the opportunity to influence how teams work together. Her energy and values keep her focussed on helping individuals and organisations be the best they can be.
Specialising in engaging and energetic facilitation, Steph is authentic in her approach and starts meaningful conversations leading to impactful change. She holds qualifications in Human Resource Management, Project and Event Management and accreditations in HBDI and Denison Culture Measurement tools and Coaching.

Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. 
For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Mandatory Civic and Legal catch-up session

EM Mandatory

Duration: 2hrs 
Investment: $430 incl GST pp
Delivery: LVC or Face to Face

Target Audience
Council Members who have been elected via Supplementary Election, Count-back or who have missed their legal and meeting procedure Mid-term refresher modules 8.2 & 3.

This session has been developed to assist Council members in building essential community leadership competencies.

Civic Module: This module aims to enhance participants' understanding of the Australian system of government and the role of Councils in fulfilling the objectives of the Local Government Act. It focuses on delivering reputable community outcomes, empowering Council members to effectively serve their communities.

Legal Module: This module is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the legal responsibilities of a Council member. It emphasizes the importance of legal compliance and ethical governance, ensuring that Council members are well-prepared to navigate their roles with confidence and integrity.
Key objectives:
  • To develop knowledge of the range of council meetings that may be held and to identify the responsibilities of council members to contribute to effective meetings.
  • To define the behaviour and develop the knowledge and skills to contribute to the effective operation of meetings procedures
  • To develop knowledge of the legislative provisions, policies and processes that relate to effective ways Council and council members represent Council meeting decisions.
  • To develop an ability to interpret and analyse legislative provisions that identify the role of a council member
To develop the knowledge of obligations for declaring interests, the resources to support the role of council member and the agencies that have external oversight (Ombudsman SA, OPI, ICAC, Minister for Local Government, District Court and SACAT) 
Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of industrial relations, governance, and regulatory services to the local government sector in South Australia.  
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. 
For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Mandatory financial management catch-up session

EM Mandatory

Duration: 3 hrs 
Investment: $430 incl GST pp
Delivery: LVC or Face to Face

Target Audience
Council Members who have been elected via Supplementary Election, Count-back or who have missed their financial management Mid-term refresher module 8.4

This session has been designed to help Council Members develop key community leadership competencies, deepen their understanding of integrated strategic and annual business planning, and enhance their skills in managing public funds effectively.
Key objectives:
  • To develop the knowledge required to undertake integrated strategic management, financial planning, and performance
  • To develop the knowledge of strategic risk management and oversight
  • To develop the knowledge and skill to undertake and contribute to effective financial management
Mark Davies is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience spanning across both the private and public sectors.  His career includes experience as a Senior Audit Manager and Principal Consultant with PWC to serving as Chief Financial Officer, General Manager Corporate Services and Chief Executive Officer in councils.
Mark has co-designed and delivered strategic and financial management training to Elected Members for the Municipal Association of Victoria and has worked on the integrated strategic management framework in South Australia. He has a long history of providing accessible financial management training to elected members and officers and enjoys demystifying financial terminology and building confidence.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. 
For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Mayor & CEO Forum


Duration: Full day and pre-event dinner 
Investment: TBC
Location: TBC
PRE-FORUM DINNER: Thursday 24 July 2025
FORUM: Friday 25 July 2025  

Target Audience

Mayors and CEOs


The LGA's Annual Mayor & CEO Forum is a premier local government event designed to empower Mayors and CEOs with tools and insights needed to navigate change effectively and collaborate with strategic stakeholders. This forum offers a unique platform for attendees to engage in thought-provoking discussions, enhance their leadership knowledge, and gain practical skills through interactive sessions.

By working together, Mayors and CEOs can drive positive change within their councils and local communities. The event also fosters a valuable exchange of experiences, bringing together leaders from across the state to share best practices and innovative approaches to governance.




Additional Information

Pre-Forum Dinner
Further information will be available about the Pre-Forum Dinner when the details about the program have been confirmed.

If you would like to offer input into the 2025 program, please email with your suggestions.

For a copy of our registration policies, please click here.

Mayor Forum


Duration: Full day event 
Investment: TBC
Location: TBC
FORUM: Thursday 20 November 2025  

Please note: This forum has been scheduled on the day of the welcome reception for the LGA AGM

Target Audience
South Australian Mayors

The 2025 Mayors Forum will bring together Mayors from across the state for a day of connection, collaboration, and leadership development. This annual event provides a unique space for Mayors to share experiences, discuss common challenges, and explore opportunities to strengthen their leadership.

Building on the success of previous forums, this year’s event will focus on equipping Mayors with practical tools and fresh insights to lead their councils and communities effectively. With plenty of opportunities for discussion and peer learning, the forum promises to be a day of inspiration and valuable takeaways.

Stay tuned for the full program, which will be designed to reflect the needs and priorities of Mayors as they navigate the evolving landscape of local government.

Additional Information
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Meeting Procedures for Mayors and Chairs


Duration: Half Day 
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

Mayors and Chairpersons



This session will provide specific guidance on the presiding member’s obligations in relation to meeting procedures at council meetings, which are above those of elected members. The key responsibilities of the Mayors and Chairs will be discussed, in addition to practical considerations for Mayors and Chairs to consider in preparing for and assistance at council meetings.  


Key Learnings

  • Key responsibilities of Mayors and Chairs pursuant to legislation and code of practice
  • How to prepare for council meetings
  • Meeting procedures



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations.

Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
With a passion for public sector governance and regulatory control, Dale has been helping councils and other local authorities to govern, protect and enhance their local communities for over 10 years. Dale frequently presents workshops and training sessions for a wide variety of public sector clients and lectures in environmental health law at Flinders University.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Mid-term council leadership workshop refresher module 8.1

EM Mandatory

Duration: 3 hrs 
Investment: $3500 incl GST per council
Delivery: Face to Face & inhouse ONLY
Target Audience
Council Members, CEO’s and Executive staff 
This facilitated workshop meets the LGA Training Standard mid-term Council Leadership refresher requirements.
Skilled facilitators will support a highly interactive session in unpacking the strengths and effectiveness of Council’s leadership.  Understanding the value and differences in leadership styles, roles, and responsibilities and how best to work together.
An opportunity to ‘check-in’ mid-term, re-set as a Council leadership team and ensure Council is on track to deliver great outcomes for the remainder of the term.

Key Learnings
  • Explore and check-in on Councils leadership purpose
  • Heighten Councils capability to lead through shared conversation and learning
  • Unpack the collective leadership behaviours
  • Build and strengthen Council and CEO/Executive team culture
  • Leverage leadership momentum for Council’s success

This session can be purchased as part of a bundle.
Mid-term refresher BUNDLE modules 8.1-8.4

Other mid-term refresher modules include: 
Mid-term legal refresher module 8.2 
Mid-term council meetings and procedures refresher module 8.3 
Mid-term financial management refresher module 8.4

LGA Training have several skilled facilitators to support a Council Leadership Workshop. Workshops can be tailored to support specific needs. 

Additional Information

Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Request an In-house eQuote’.

For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Mid-term council meetings and procedures refresher module 8.3

EM Mandatory

Duration: 2 hrs 
Investment: $1750 incl GST per council /$290 incl GST pp
Delivery: LVC or Face to Face

Target Audience
Council Members
This workshop consists of a refresher on the requirements that apply to the holding and conduct of Council and Committee meetings. The role and purpose of information or briefing sessions will also be discussed.
Key Learnings
  • Identify and apply meeting procedures that apply to council and committee meetings
  • Identify methods for being an effective council member at council and committee meetings 
This session can be purchased as part of a bundle.
Mid-term refresher BUNDLE modules 8.1-8.4

Other mid-term refresher modules include: 
Mid-term council Leadership workshop refresher module 8.1
Mid-term legal refresher module 8.2 
Mid-term financial management refresher module 8.4

Norman Waterhouse Lawyers

Additional Information
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Request an In-house eQuote’.

For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Mid-term financial management refresher module 8.4

EM Mandatory

Duration: 3 hrs 
Investment: $3500 incl GST per council/ $410 incl GST pp
Delivery: LVC or Face to Face

Target Audience
Council Members
This training consists of two parts:
“Financial Management – Part A” focuses on the Annual Budget and Financial Plan. The training includes:
  • An explanation of the process for preparation of the Budget and Financial Plan and best practise reporting.
  • Hands on detailed analysis and understanding of the Budget and Financial plan documents.
  • Interpretation of financial results and communicating these to the community.
  • Example checklist of officer questions.
“Financial Management – Part B” focuses on the quarterly Budget Review and audited Financial Report. The training includes:
  • Explanation of the process for preparation of the quarterly Budget Review and audited Financial Report and best practise reporting.
  • Hands on detailed analysis and understanding of the Budget Review and Financial Report documents.
  • Interpretation of financial results and communicating these to the community.
  • Example checklist of officer questions.
Key Learnings
“Financial Management – Part A”:
  • An understanding of the appropriate methods for managing public funds and raising revenue from rating and other sources.
  • An understanding of the process for developing the Annual Business Plan, and Budget and, updating the Financial Plan.
  • The ability to read and understand the key financial planning documents.
“Financial Management – Part B”
  • An understanding of financial management terminology.
  • An understanding of the process for developing the quarterly Budget Review and audited Financial Report.
  • Increased ability to read and understand key financial reporting documents.

This session can be purchased as part of a bundle.
Mid-term refresher BUNDLE modules 8.1-8.4

Other mid-term refresher modules include: 
Mid-term council Leadership workshop refresher module 8.1
Mid-term legal refresher module 8.2 
Mid-term council meetings and procedures refresher module 8.3 

Mark Davies is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience spanning across both the private and public sectors.  His career includes experience as a Senior Audit Manager and Principal Consultant with PWC to serving as Chief Financial Officer, General Manager Corporate Services and Chief Executive Officer in councils.
Mark has co-designed and delivered strategic and financial management training to Elected Members for the Municipal Association of Victoria and has worked on the integrated strategic management framework in South Australia. He has a long history of providing accessible financial management training to elected members and officers and enjoys demystifying financial terminology and building confidence.
Additional Information
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Request an In-house eQuote’.

For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Mid-term legal refresher module 8.2

EM Mandatory

Duration: 2 hrs 
Investment: $1750 incl GST per council /$290 incl GST pp
Delivery: LVC or Face to Face

Target Audience
Council Members
This workshop will provide Council members with a refresher on their key legal responsibilities under the Local Government Act 1999 and will focus in particular on the integrity provisions including conflict of interest, gifts and benefits, duties and the Behavioural Standards for Council Members.
Key Learnings
  • Identify the integrity provisions in the Local Government Act;
  • Identify the requirements and obligations of council members that constitute integrity provisions and the methods for complying with those provisions
  • Identify the behavioural requirements that apply to council members and the behavioural management framework generally
 This session can be purchased as part of a bundle.
Mid-term refresher BUNDLE modules 8.1-8.4

Other mid-term refresher modules include: 
Mid-term council Leadership workshop refresher module 8.1
Mid-term council meetings and procedures refresher module 8.3 
Mid-term financial management refresher module 8.4

Norman Waterhouse Lawyers

Additional Information
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Request an In-house eQuote’.

For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Mid-term refresher BUNDLE modules 8.1-8.4

EM Mandatory

Duration: 10 hrs 
Investment: $9500 incl GST per council
Delivery: 8.1 face to face only 8.2- 8.4 live via virtual classroom
(Additional out of pocket disbursements for travel/accommodation may apply for councils situated outside the Adelaide metropolitan area who choose in-house sessions)
Target Audience
Council Members
8.1 Council Leadership workshop refresher (inhouse- Face to face ONLY )(3 hrs)
An opportunity to continue to unpack the strengths and effectiveness of council’s leadership.
8.2 Legal Refresher (inhouse- Face to face or LVC) (2 hrs)
A refresher on Integrity provisions including, duties, conflict of Interest, gifts & benefits & behavioural standards for Council Members including the Behavioural Management Framework.
8.3 Council meetings and procedures refresher (inhouse- Face to face or LVC) (2 hrs)
A refresher on council and committee meeting procedures, effective participation at council and committee meetings and Information or briefing sessions.
8.4 Financial Management refresher (inhouse- Face to face or LVC) (3 hrs)
A refresher on managing public funds, business planning and budgeting, understanding financial plans and reports, legislative obligations, financial terminology and understanding audited financial statements and reports.

Sessions can also be purchased individually: 
Mid-term council Leadership workshop refresher module 8.1 
Mid-term legal refresher module 8.2 
Mid-term council meetings and procedures refresher module 8.3 
Mid-term financial management refresher module 8.4

Additional Information
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Request an In-house eQuote’.

For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Mock Council Meeting


Duration: Half Day 
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

Elected Members



To enhance on the skills and understanding gained by elected council members as part of their mandatory training on Council and Committee Meetings, this session is an opportunity for elected members to put those skills to practice.

This interactive workshop will give elected members an opportunity to act as participants in a mock council meeting and further explore the formal decision making process of an elected body, while observing the statutory meeting procedures. 


Key Learnings

  • How the statutory meeting procedures in the local government legislative framework can be utilised and properly applied in practice
  • Appropriate interaction with council members and the Chairperson



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers 
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Native Vegetation and the Planning System


Duration: 2 Hours 
Investment: $245 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

Planning, development and compliance staff. Environment and sustainability officers, native vegetation advisers and consultants. 



‘A nightmare!’ ‘A maze!’ ‘Can’t see the wood for the trees!’ 

If such thoughts have occurred to you while trying to understand how native vegetation controls operate within, and around, the planning system, you would not be alone. 

The purpose of this session is to peel back the various layers of regulation that sit within the Planning Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and regulations, the Planning and Design Code and the Native Vegetation Act 1991 and regulations – and to better understand how they interact and, in some cases, overlap. 


Key Learnings

  • Overview of the Native Vegetation Act 1991 and Native Vegetation Regulations 2017, as relevant to the planning system 
  • Overview of relevant provisions within the Planning & Design Code, including Native Vegetation Overlays 
  • Understanding development application requirements, the role of ‘Data Reports’, clearance levels, and referral triggers 
  • Considering controls and exemptions in bushfire hazard areas
  • Navigating the particular difficulties that arise where regulated tree controls overlap with native vegetation controls 



Peter Psaltis, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Peter is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Parking Enforcement – From an Expiation Notice to the Supreme Court


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council Officers, General Inspectors and Managers of these areas



To provide an overview of the Australian Road Rules and the Road Traffic Act 1961 and summarise council’s responsibilities in parking enforcement.  The course will also provide participants with an understanding of the relationship between the Australian Road Rules and the Private Parking Areas Act 1986. 

This half day session will assist participants in understanding their powers of enforcement under various road traffic legislation and provide tips for evidence gathering, record keeping, preparing matters for trial and appearing in court as a witness.


Key Learnings

  • Summary of the Australian Road Rules, Road Traffic Act 1961 and Private Parking Areas Act 1986
  • Issuing of expiation notices
  • Statutory declarations
  • Evidence gathering and record keeping
  • Elections to be prosecuted and commencing prosecution proceedings
  • Witness preparation



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Performance Management and Absenteeism


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Human Resource Officers, Managers and CEOs



An underperforming or absent employee has a direct negative impact on the productivity and effectiveness of council business. At times, tough decisions need to be made to performance manage or discipline employees who are consistently underperforming or absent from the workplace.

This session will outline the process for managing underperforming or absent employees, and the process of moving an employee out of the organisation where his/her performance does not improve.  


Key Learnings

  • How to manage underperforming employees;
  • Legitimate absenteeism versus illegitimate and long-term absenteeism;
  • How and when to take further action; and
  • Dealing with disputes. 



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.    


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



PID Act Training


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

CEOs, Responsible Officers and Council Staff. Elected members also welcome to attend. 



The session will include an overview of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2018, which is due to commence operation on 1 July 2019. It will address the detail of the regime under the Act, which replaces the current Whistleblowers Act, and will also discuss the accompanying Public Interest Disclosure Regulations 2019 as well as the Public Interest Disclosure Guidelines released by the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption.

In addition, the session will include a detailed review of the LGA's Model Public Interest Disclosure Policy and Procedure, which will replace the existing Model Whistleblowers Policy and assist councils to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Act and the Guidelines.


Key Learnings

  • The new Public Interest Disclosure Act, its impact and the changes from the repealed Whistleblowers Act;
  • The LGA's new Model Public Interest Disclosure Policy and Procedure;  
  • The practical steps which need to be taken in preparation for the new regime.

Suggested pre-reading: 
  • LGA PID Update
  • LGA Model Public Interest Disclosure Policy
  • LGA Model Public Interest Disclosure Procedure
  • PID Guidelines



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
With a passion for public sector governance and regulatory control, Dale has been helping councils and other local authorities to govern, protect and enhance their local communities for over 10 years. Dale frequently presents workshops and training sessions for a wide variety of public sector clients and lectures in environmental health law at Flinders University.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Planning Act Essentials


Duration: Half Day
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery Options: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Elected Members 



Planning matters are a significant interest to the community.  It is important elected members have an understanding of the planning system in South Australia and how it relates to local communities.

This session will be delivered in partnership with the Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure and provide an overview of the essentials of the state planning system, the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 that will be fully operational in July 2020. 


Additional Information

Participants are encouraged to also attend the Council Assessment Panel session for a more a detailed overview on how planning assessment works within council. 

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Planning in a Housing Crisis


Duration: 2 hrs
Investment:  $245 incl GST pp
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar


Target Audience

Assessment managers, panel members, planners, development compliance officers, and managers in these areas. 



Rarely does a day go by without the term ‘housing crisis’ being deployed by politicians, bureaucrats and journalists alike. Often, it is used as a pretext for challenging conventional thinking and calling for change. In this context - rightly or wrongly – the planning system has been central in discussion and debate.
But what does a ‘housing crisis’ mean in practice for the planning system? How effectively is our system responding, and what more can be done? And in what other ways is the ‘housing crisis’ affecting local government planners and development compliance officers?

To help unpack these important issues of the day, the Norman Waterhouse Environment and Planning Team will be delivering a bespoke training session aimed at assessment managers, panel members, planners, development compliance officers, and managers in these areas. 


Key Learnings

In the session, we will tackle the following topics, with ample opportunity for interaction and discussion with our panel of experts and colleagues in the sector. 
  • Affordable housing
  • Ancillary accommodation (Code definitions, caselaw, comparison with Victoria)
  • Infrastructure challenges, including the ‘Felmeri’ condition
  • Compliance issues (including approaches to situations involving people living in caravans, sheds and other forms of makeshift accommodation)
  • Code Amendments, and the difficulty with public pronouncements ahead of statutory processes.’



Gavin Leydon, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Gavin leads the firm’s Planning, Development and Environment team and is a specialist in property development, urban and regional planning, environmental and administrative law. 

Aden Miegel, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Aden is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  The Norman Waterhouse Team is recognised as the largest of its kind in this State and is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of such advice to the local government sector in South Australia. 


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at


Powers, Purpose and Process By-laws


Duration: 1 Day 
Investment: $670 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Chief Executive Officers and Authorised Persons



The course will provide participants with an overview of the fundamental legal concepts of by-laws and powers for enforcing by-laws.  Participants will expand their understanding of the Local Government Act 1999 and the concepts that underpin local government by-laws.  This full day course will comprise a combination of different formats including: a tutorial to teach the concepts; hypothetical examples to illustrate the concepts in a practical setting; and a question and answer based session where participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek guidance and advice in relation to specific by-laws.


Key Learnings

  • Local Government Act 1999
  • Requirements of by-laws
  • Reports to the Legislative Review Committee 
  • Enacting by-laws
  • Enforcing by-laws



Paul Kelly Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services, Norman Waterhouse Lawyers 
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Preparing and Updating Long-Term Financial Plans


Duration: 3 hours 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Webinar


Target Audience

CEOs, Asset Managers and Senior Finance Officers



‘Preparing and Updating Long-Term Financial Plans’ has been developed to enhance the skills of participants to develop practical, easy to prepare and follow, long-term financial plans. It includes tips and traps based on council’s experiences in preparing useful and legislatively compliant plans. Material presented will cover legislative requirements (including the latest reforms), structural suggestions, how to identify and determine key information and assumptions for input and how to develop an appropriate financial strategy considering relevant local factors.


Key Learnings

  • Suggested structure and content and the appropriate level of detail to include
  • What key assumptions should be specified and the basis of their estimates
  • The need to recognise, and options to accommodate, future expected price movements
  • The need to vary some indicator target ranges over time
  • What types of sensitivity analysis should be undertaken and how to present results
  • What level of functional and activity level financial information should be provided
  • What written explanatory content should be included
  • How to make trade-offs to achieve financial targets  



Mark Davies, Financial management expert, advisor, and trainer to state and local government
Mark is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience spanning across both the private and public sectors.  His career includes experience as a Senior Audit Manager and Principal Consultant with PWC to serving as Chief Financial Officer, General Manager Corporate Services and Chief Executive Officer in councils.

Mark has co-designed and delivered strategic and financial management training to Elected Members for the Municipal Association of Victoria and has worked on the integrated strategic management framework in South Australia. He has a long history of providing accessible financial management training to elected members and officers and enjoys demystifying financial terminology and building confidence.


Additional Information

To complement this training you may be interested in attending our full program Asset Management and Long-Term Financial Plans. For further information about this program please click here 

For further information about the content of this program or to enquire about having this program brought in-house to your council or to a ‘council hub’ near you please contact LGA Training at


Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management & Long-Term Financial Plans


Duration: 1 day
Investment: $670 incl GST *see alternative options below
Delivery: Face to Face & Webinar


Target Audience

CEOs‚ Asset Managers and Senior Finance Officers



This full day program offers participants the opportunity to attend both Long-Term Financial Plans’ & ‘Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management Plans at a reduced rate.

‘Preparing and Updating Asset Management Plans’ has been developed to assist participants to reflect on experiences in preparing Infrastructure and Asset Management Plans and undertake future updates. It focuses on practical tips and traps based on Councils experiences in preparing useful and legislatively compliant plans. Material presented and discussed will cover legislative requirements (including the latest reforms), guidance on the development of practical framework strategies that have regard to source and data constraints, and how the Plan can assist with asset management planning decisions.
‘Preparing and Updating Long-Term Financial Plans’ has been developed to enhance the skills of participants to develop practical, easy to prepare and follow, long-term financial plans. It includes tips and traps based on council’s experiences in preparing useful and legislatively compliant plans. Material presented will cover legislative requirements (including the latest reforms), structural suggestions, how to identify and determine key information and assumptions for input and how to develop an appropriate financial strategy considering relevant local factors.


Key Learnings

Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management​:​
  • How to determine affordable service standards relevant to particular local circumstances
  • The need to base asset maintenance and renewal intervention points on minimising whole of life net economic costs and affordable service levels
  • How to manage mismatches between cash flow availability and cash flow need
  • The relevance or not of recorded depreciation for asset management planning
  • How to resolve conflicts between asset management planning projected needs and long-term financial planning constraints.

Long-Term Financial Plans:
  • Suggested structure and content and the appropriate level of detail to include
  • What key assumptions should be specified and the basis of their estimates
  • The need to recognise, and options to accommodate, future expected price movements
  • The need to vary some indicator target ranges over time
  • What types of sensitivity analysis should be undertaken and how to present results
  • What level of functional and activity level financial information should be provided
  • What written explanatory content should be included
  • How to make trade-offs to achieve financial targets  


Mark Davies, Financial management expert, advisor, and trainer to state and local government
Mark is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience spanning across both the private and public sectors.  His career includes experience as a Senior Audit Manager and Principal Consultant with PWC to serving as Chief Financial Officer, General Manager Corporate Services and Chief Executive Officer in councils.

Mark has co-designed and delivered strategic and financial management training to Elected Members for the Municipal Association of Victoria and has worked on the integrated strategic management framework in South Australia. He has a long history of providing accessible financial management training to elected members and officers and enjoys demystifying financial terminology and building confidence.


Additional Information

If your preference is to attend only Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management Plans you can enrol in this half day session here
If your preference is only to attend Preparing Long-Term Financial Plans you can enrol in this half day session here

No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management Plans


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar


Target Audience

CEOs, Asset Managers and Senior Finance Officers



‘Preparing and Updating Asset Management Plans’ has been developed to assist participants to reflect on experiences in preparing Infrastructure and Asset Management Plans and undertake future updates. It focuses on practical tips and traps based on Councils experiences in preparing useful and legislatively compliant plans. Material presented and discussed will cover legislative requirements (including the latest reforms), guidance on the development of practical framework strategies that have regard to source and data constraints, and how the Plan can assist with asset management planning decisions.


Key Learnings

  • How to determine affordable service standards relevant to particular local circumstances
  • The need to base asset maintenance and renewal intervention points on minimising whole of life net economic costs and affordable service levels
  • How to manage mismatches between cash flow availability and cash flow need
  • The relevance or not of recorded depreciation for asset management planning
  • How to resolve conflicts between asset management planning projected needs and long-term financial planning constraints.



Mark Davies, Financial management expert, advisor, and trainer to state and local government
Mark is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience spanning across both the private and public sectors.  His career includes experience as a Senior Audit Manager and Principal Consultant with PWC to serving as Chief Financial Officer, General Manager Corporate Services and Chief Executive Officer in councils.

Mark has co-designed and delivered strategic and financial management training to Elected Members for the Municipal Association of Victoria and has worked on the integrated strategic management framework in South Australia. He has a long history of providing accessible financial management training to elected members and officers and enjoys demystifying financial terminology and building confidence.


Additional Information

Please select your preferred delivery method below.
To complement this program you may be interested in attending our Asset Management and Long-Term Financial Plans at a discounted rate please click here

For further information about the content of this program, to enquire about having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council or to a ‘Council Hub’ near you or to go on the wait list if this program is not currently scheduled -please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Rates Administration Masterclass


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face and Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Intermediate and experienced rates and finance officers



Rates constitute a system of taxation. It is the responsibility of all rates and finance officers to ensure that councils’ significant rating powers are applied lawfully and correctly. New rates and finance officers, and intermediate officers seeking a detailed refresher upon the legal basis of rating powers, are encouraged to enrol in our ‘Introduction to Rating’ short course.

For those who are more advanced, this ‘Rates Administration Masterclass’ will provide an opportunity to learn and to engage with other experienced rating practitioners regarding more complicated issues across all facets of rating.


Key Learnings

This Masterclass will commence with a re-cap of various important rating concepts. Following this re-cap, we will explore numerous specific issues, in a workshop format. Matters discussed will include:
  • Areas of land which may be subject to fixed charges and/or minimum rates;
  • When and how to impose separate rates;
  • Issues relating to the imposition and calculation of service rates and service charges;
  • Mandatory public consultation requirements for certain changes in respect of rating;
  • Whether or not ‘rating policies’ are required, and what they should contain;
  • Dealing with rebate applications;
  • Dealing with objections to land attribution, objections to valuation, and ‘section 270’ reviews;
  • The relevance of the ‘principal ratepayer’, and other persons from whom rates may be recovered;
  • Debt recovery, including sale of land for non-payment of rates.



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Recovery of Rates and Sale of Land for Non-Payment of Rates


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council Rate Officers and Finance Staff



This workshop will discuss the mechanism by which council can recover outstanding rates with a particular focus on the statutory scheme under the Local Government Act 1999 which enables a council to sell land where rates on the land have been in arrears for three years or more. It will include discussion on how a council may recover outstanding rates, the persons against whom the council may recover outstanding rates and how the council is required to apply payments received by way of rates.

Participants will also be involved in preparing a template notice under section 184 that complies with the requirements of the Act.  



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice D’Agostino has over 10 years experience assisting and providing advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving  statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration,  freedom of information, and regulatory and enforcement.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Register of Interests – Elected Members


Duration: Half Day 
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: To request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)


Target Audience

All Elected Members



This training will provide an overview of the requirements regarding ‘register of interests’ for elected members with a detailed explanation of all the types of interests that must be disclosed in a primary and ordinary return as well as the information contained in the returns that must be published on a website. Obligations of elected members to update their return will also be discussed as well as the consequences of failing to comply with the register of interest provisions. Examples will be provided of each interest that must be disclosed.


Key Learnings

  • Requirements regarding ‘register of interests’ under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA)
  • Types of interests that must be disclosed in a primary return
  • Types of interests that must be disclosed in a ordinary return
  • Consequences of failing to comply



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
With a passion for public sector governance and regulatory control, Dale has been helping councils and other local authorities to govern, protect and enhance their local communities for over 10 years. Dale frequently presents workshops and training sessions for a wide variety of public sector clients and lectures in environmental health law at Flinders University.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.   


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Register of Interests – Prescribed Officers


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST 
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

All staff who are Prescribed Officers under Section 111 of the Act



This training will provide an overview of the requirements regarding ‘register of interests’ with a detailed explanation of all the types of interests that must be disclosed in a primary and ordinary return. Examples will be provided of each interest that must be disclosed. The consequences of failing to comply with the register of interest provisions will also be discussed.


Key Learnings

  • Requirements regarding ‘register of interests’ under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA)
  • Types of interests that must be disclosed in a primary return
  • Types of interests that must be disclosed in a ordinary return
  • Consequences of failing to comply



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.




Regulated Trees & the Law Update


Duration: 2 Hours 
Investment: $245 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session


Target Audience

All development staff, including planners, compliance officers and arboricultural staff. Regional council officers are also encouraged to attend noting that the Government has requested the Commission to progress amendments to the Planning & Design Code such that the Regulated and Significant Tree Overlay will apply in the future to the regions.


On 16 May 2024 amendments were made to the PDI General Regs which significantly change the law in relation to regulated and significant trees. This session will provide an overview of those amendments and the impacts they will have on development assessment, enforcement and existing development applications and development authorisations. This session will also focus on the regulated tree provisions of the Planning and Design Code and  Planning, Development & Infrastructure Act 2016 as well as recent case law on how they have been interpreted and what changes we expect to see as a result of the legislative amendments. 


Key Learnings

  • Summary of the impact of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) (Regulated and Significant Trees) Amendments Regulations 2024
  • Review of Urban Tree Canopy Overlay and Off-set Scheme – legal issues and practical implications
  • Review of regulated tree policy under the Planning & Design Code 
  • Review of assessment processes for DAs involving regulated trees
  • Case law review
  • Enforcement under the Planning, Development & Infrastructure Act 2016



Aden Miegel, Principal - Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Aden is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Reputation and Media for Council Members


Duration: Half Day
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​

Target Audience
Council members
Council members as leaders are responsible for the reputation of council.

In this session participants will gain a greater understanding of media dynamics and learn methods to proactively manage media in context of their role.

Georgina McGuinness, Director – McGuinness Media
Georgina is an experienced media relations, external communications and stakeholder engagement executive, who has forged a career of more than 30 years in communications. For 25 years, Georgina presented Adelaide’s premier weekend news bulletin on Channel 9. Away from the news desk, she was also a senior journalist, sub-editor, producer, chief of staff and documentary presenter. Georgina has received awards for TV journalism and participated in a news presenter exchange with Adelaide’s sister city, Austin, Texas. More recently, Georgina has been a speech-writer to two State Opposition Leaders and Senior Communications Adviser, to then Leader of the Opposition (and current SA Premier) the Hon Steven Marshall MP.

This unique background across media and government has allowed her to establish a wealth of experience and expertise in communication, stakeholder engagement, key message development, publicity, branding and presentation.

In April 2014, she established McGuinness Media and in the seven years since, she has experienced strong and growing demand for her services assisting high level Australian and international clients across a range of industries.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 1035vor at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Please note: Elected Members are encouraged to confirm with their administrators authorisation to register, prior to committing.


Responsible Social Media Use and Defamation Law


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

CEOs, HR Officers, Managers



Local government employees have a number of statutory and contractual obligations to councils in respect of their conduct during and sometimes outside of working hours. With technology and social media being integral parts of most people’s work and personal lives, it is important that employees are aware of how to appropriately and responsibly use these platforms.

This session will provide guidance to senior council officers on how to enforce responsible employee social media use and the implications of conduct to the contrary. Examples of inappropriate social media use can also lead to defamation publications being made.

In addition to explaining how councils can prevent inappropriate employee social media use, this session will provide an overview of defamation law in South Australia pursuant to the Defamation Act 2005 (SA) and common law.


Key Learnings

  • What should be included in a Social Media Policy
  • How to enforce responsible social media use amongst employees in the workplace
  • How to detect inappropriate social media use and protect confidential information/intellectual property of the council 
  • Work, health and safety implications of inappropriate social media use
  • What constitutes a defamatory publication
  • Defences to defamatory publications 



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Road Opening & Closure Procedure


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Authorised Persons/General Inspectors, Engineering Officers and any other Council Officers involved in matters affected by road closures.



This course will assist Council officers to comply with the legislation relevant to road openings and closures, the classification of land as community land, revocation of that classification and alienation of community land.


Key Learnings

  • The different methods available to Councils to close roads under:
    • Section 359 of the Local Government Act 1999
    • Sections 32 and 33 of the Road Traffic Act 1961
    • Section 59 of the Summary Offences Act 1953
    • Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991
  • Traffic control devices
  • Traffic impact statements
  • Delegation and general approval from the Minister for Transport
  • Road opening methods.



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Roles and Responsibilities of Council Employees


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

New and existing Council staff



Council employees have a number of roles and responsibilities pursuant to the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) and other industrial instruments. In addition, councils have a number of workplace policies and procedures that prescribe obligations on staff. This session will assist council employees to navigate their way through their various roles and responsibilities, while emphasizing the importance of their duties as public officers.  


Key Learnings

  • Explanation of the general duties of council employees pursuant to the Local Government Act 1999 (SA)  
  • Interaction between council employees and council members
  • Relationship between the performance of duties and the council’s broader responsibilities to the community and public



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Section 101A: Development Act Strategic Planning and Development Policy Committee


Duration: Half Day
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar 
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​  


Target Audience

  • Senior Managers
  • Planning Officers
  • Engineers
  • Community Development Officers
  • Economic Development Officers
  • Administration Officers/Executive Assistants

All Council Officers responsible for the preparation of Strategic Planning and Development Policy Committee meeting agendas and minutes.



The Development Act 1993 (Section 101A) requires Councils to establish Strategic Planning and Development Policy Committees. Such a Committee provides advice to Council on the extent to which the Council's strategic planning and development policies accord with the State Planning Strategy:
  • To assist Council in undertaking its strategic planning and monitoring function (relating to achieving orderly and efficient development, transport and land use planning, affordable housing); and
  • Providing advice to Council on Strategic Directions Reports and Development Plan Amendments.


Key Learnings

  • Governance requirements of Section 101A of the Development Act
  • Functions of the Committee
  • Relationship to the Local Government Act
  • Terms of Reference, membership, reporting requirements and delegations
  • Interrelationship to Council's Development Assessment function and role of the CDAP/RDAP
  • What exemptions might apply.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Section 41: Committee Member Training for Community Members


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Community Members involved in Council Section 41 Committees. Council Officers involved in such Committees are also welcome to attend.



This course will highlight the legislative responsibilities of Section 41 Committees. 


Key Learnings

  • Functions and duties of the Committee and general duties of Committee members under Section 41 of the Local Government Act 1999, including misuse of information under Section 62 of the Local Government Act 1999 and consideration of the offence provisions that apply to Committee members
  • Meeting procedures and the application of the Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2000 on meetings of Committees performing regulatory activities and the availability of Sections 90 and 91
  • Reporting to Council and the formation of recommendations including the reporting and accountability obligations of Committees to the Council, particularly the delivery of recommendations that have been formed by a Committee
  • Conflict of interest including a laypersons overview of the conflict of interest provisions in the Local Government Act 1999 and the application of those provisions to members of Council Committees. 
  • This will include consideration of what a prescribed interest is, when a prescribed interest will arise, and what the individual committee member must do in that event.



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice D’Agostino assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. Felice takes a practical and solutions based approach to representing her clients and assisting them to deal with competing pressures. As a Principal in Norman Waterhouse’s Employment, Governance and Regulatory Services team Felice specialises in governance and public administration and is committed to assisting her clients to make defensible decisions that will withstand scrutiny. 

Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Dale Mazzachi focuses his attention on developing his client's practical understanding of the important roles governance and regulation play in helping their organisations successfully deliver for their communities.  He now practices as a Principal in the firm’s Local Government Employment, Governance & Regulatory Services Team.  Dale’s regulatory experience includes animal management and control, public health, food safety, public realm and traffic management, liquor licensing, by-laws and regulations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia.  Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Section 48: Notices under the Water Industry Act 2012


Duration: Half day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council Staff who work within the jurisdiction of the Water Industry Act 2012



The Water Industry Act 2012, along with associated regulations and standards, is the legislative frame work through which councils can provide retail water services. Registration as a “Water Industry Entity” under the Act is necessary in order for a council to provide wastewater, storm water, and other services. As Water Industry Entities, councils are granted wide-ranging functions and powers to  establish services and infrastructure, and to enforce the proper maintenance of those services and infrastructure.
This session focuses on one power in particular: the power to issue a notice under Section 48 of the Water Industry Act 2012 requiring an owner of land to connect to sewerage infrastructure (“Section 48 Notice”).


Key Learnings

  • Council’s role in the Water Industry Act framework
  • Authorisations and delegations under the Water Industry Act
  • State Government approvals required before any Section 48 Notice can be issued
  • Legislatively required content of a Section 48 Notice
  • When to issue a Section 48 Notice
  • When to enter land, take action, and recover costs
  • Following up connections and enforcing the customer’s infrastructure obligations
  • Fundamentals of good investigation procedure and evidence gathering techniques
  • Authority to issue expiation notices and to prosecute



Paul Kelly, Partner, Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team.  Paul’s experience includes governance, policy advice, administrative law issues and statutory interpretation. Representing client councils in contested matters in the Magistrates Court, the Liquor Licensing Court and Tribunal, the District Court, the Supreme Court and the Environment, Resources and Development Court, is a principal area of Paul’s practice.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Section 7 Statements and Managing Enquiries


Duration: Half day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Planning Officers and Administrative Officers responsible for providing information for Section 7 statements and their Managers.



This course will assist Councils to meet their statutory obligations under the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 and Regulations 2010, when requested to provide information as a result of enquiries in relation to the sale of land. A consistent and well-informed approach benefits Councils in terms of resource management and dealings with members of the public and the property industry.
The currency and accuracy of information provided for these enquiries is critical. Vendors and purchasers of land in negotiating and concluding sales rely on information that is provided by Councils. Inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information that is relied upon to the detriment of the purchaser and/or vendor may result in the Form 1 statement being invalid, or have other unintended consequences resulting in loss or damage to the parties. This may give rise to claims against Councils. 


Key Learnings

  • How Section 7 statements fit within the overall context of sale of land transactions
  • Statutory obligations of councils when responding to Section 7 enquiries, including updates required as a result of legislative changes, such as those relating to the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016
  • How to develop and improve skills of officers responsible for answering enquiries and managing the enquiry process
  • How to transfer and maintain the skills acquired at this course to other Council Officers.



Yari McCall, Special Counsel – Commercial and Property – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Yari is a Special Counsel in the Commercial and Property Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers and has been practising in this area for nearly 15 years.  Yari has experience on both sides of the “section 7” fence, regularly providing advice to councils in terms of statutory obligations and also to vendors and purchasers as part of the sale and purchase of land process. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.




Setting Classifications, Rates of Pay and Allowances for Employees


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp (to be eligible for a discount, click here to enrol in the full series)
Delivery: Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council staff, Human Resources, Executive Team and CEOs. 



While each council has its individual enterprise agreements, each enterprise agreement must be read in conjunction with the applicable Award. It is essential to have a solid understanding of the minimum requirements under the respective Awards, its operation and application when dealing with employee relations and for the purposes of enterprise bargaining negotiations.
With this in mind, Norman Waterhouse is pleased to offer a new training workshop series focused on breaking down and explaining the provisions both, the South Australian Municipal Salaried Officers Award and the Local Government Employee Award.


Key Learnings

  • Understanding different classifications
  • Rates of pay
  • Higher duties
  • Reclassification process



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last twenty years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Setting Employee Pay and Entitlements


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST pp 
Delivery: Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council staff, Human Resources, Executive Team and CEOs. 



While each council has its individual enterprise agreements, each enterprise agreement must be read in conjunction with the applicable Award. It is essential to have a solid understanding of the minimum requirements under the respective Awards, its operation and application when dealing with employee relations and for the purposes of enterprise bargaining negotiations.
With this in mind, Norman Waterhouse is pleased to offer a new training workshop series focused on breaking down and explaining the provisions both, the South Australian Municipal Salaried Officers Award and the Local Government Employee Award.


Key Learnings

  • Ordinary hours of work
  • Span of hours
  • Penalty rates
  • Overtime
  • Call-out and on-call allowances
  • How Award provisions overlap with Enterprise Agreements



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last twenty years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Sharps & Infectious Waste Handling


Duration: 2.5 Hours
Investment: $350 incl GST pp ($3,400 incl GST capped at 20 participants)
Delivery: Face 2 Face


Target Audience

All Council staff, Contractors, Volunteers, Supervisors and Managers of staff who are exposed to the risks involved with handling sharps and infectious waste.



Workers who collect, handle, or transport, sharps and infectious waste are at risk of infection and illness if they are not trained and skilled to carry out the required tasks safely.  

The Australian Standard AS3816: 2018 requires waste generators to ensure that all relevant staff are trained in safe and conformant procedures for handling infectious waste.

This course references the training requirements of the 'Standard'.


Key Learnings

  • Sharps and infectious waste; examples and situations;
  • Identifying a single exposed sharp, multiple exposed and hidden sharps and various types of infectious waste;
  • The risks presented by various types of infectious waste;
  • Methods of infection, and controls to mitigate the risk of infection;
  • Identify the relevant waste streams and segregation of waste types;
  • Compliant containers and transport of sharps and infectious waste;
  • First Aid and treatment following exposure;
  • Accessing and using workplace policies, procedures and documents relating to sharps and infectious waste relevant to worker roles;
  • Undertaking risk assessment to identify hazards, risks and control measures;
  • Using the safety hierarchy of control;
  • Implementing control measures to ensure safety of self and others, such  as PPE, barriers, signage, immunisation, prevention and removal tools and equipment, standard precautions and safe work practices;
  • Emergency procedures and responses;
  • Communicating hazards to supervisor and provide incident reports;
  • Using tools and equipment to safely remove sharps and infectious waste;
  • Safely and correctly dispose of items and clean up of spillages;
  • Handling and storing infectious waste safely at a facility.


Peter McWhinnie, Paragon Work Health Safety, Member of Safety Institute of Australia
Graduate Diploma of Organisational Safety Management (Uni SA), Cert IV in Transport, Warehousing and Logistics, Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety, Diploma of Quality Auditing, Nationally accredited workplace trainer and assessor (Cert IV TAE), Diploma of Business, Diploma of Management.

Experience: Mining and construction worker, demolition team leader, transport fleet manager, truck driver for MC, heavy machinery operator, parks and gardens maintenance, workplace training and assessment.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Site Contamination Update


Duration: 1 hour
Investment: $120 incl GST pp
Delivery: Webinar

Please note: 1 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) point is available for this session


Target Audience

Accredited professionals – planning levels 1, 2, 3 and 4.



Proper management of contaminated, and potentially contaminated, sites is an important part of the planning process.

In this session, attendees will be receive a refresher on the key components of the site contamination assessment framework in the planning system, with a focus on recent amendments to State Planning Commission Practice Direction 14. 


Key Learnings

  • Understanding the key provisions in the PDI Act, PDI (General) Regulations and the Planning & Design Code pertaining to site contamination 
  • Discussing recent amendments to Practice Direction 14
  • Sharing and understanding practical issues and experience



Peter Psaltis, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Peter is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia.

Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Supported Residential Facilities – Council as a Licensing Authority


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Environmental Health Officers and Managers



To provide an overview of the Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992 and the responsibilities of the council in enforcing the Act.  The course will also provide participants with an understanding of the requirements of Supported Residential Facilities (SRFs) and factors the council must take into consideration when determining to issue or renew a SRF licence.  


Key Learnings

  • Council obligations regarding SRFs
  • EHO responsibilities and council powers
  • Investigative processes and powers of EHOs
  • Amendments to the Act under the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020
  • Notice issuing process
  • Interaction with other legislation



Paul Kelly, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Paul Kelly is a Partner in the firm’s specialist Local Government Governance & Regulatory Services Team. Paul prepares and delivers workshops, briefings and seminars on behalf of Norman Waterhouse to councils on regulatory matters, civil enforcement and prosecution proceedings dealing with a range of legislations.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Techniques for Participation in Community Engagement


Duration: 1 Day
Investment: $670 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Community Engagement Officers and Managers in the Community Development, Community Services, Planning and Development and Strategic Planning areas.



This course will provide participants with an introduction to internationally recognised community engagement techniques. Prior to attending this course, it is recommended that participants attend the 'Introduction to Community Engagement for Council Officers' workshop which provides training in the use of the Local Government Community Engagement Handbook.

The handbook is revised regularly to keep it up to date with current developments in community engagement in South Australia. It includes a section on engagement techniques with First Nation communities and people with disabilities.
This-one day workshop reviews how to effectively plan for community engagement which leads to the selection of appropriate techniques. 

Key Learnings

  • Review and build on the planning process for community engagement;
  • Explore the range of skills needed to work with community engagement techniques;
  • Understand a structured approach to determining which techniques are most likely to produce; desired results and increase participation in community engagement;
  • Active participation in a range of techniques such as facilitation of small groups, 'Focused Conversations' and 'World Café'. 



Brett Manuel, Associate, North Projects
Brett is a skillfull, senior Stakeholder and Community Engagement practitioner with experience strategically planning and delivering cutting edge community and stakeholder engagement programs, predominantly for SA Government departments.

A motivator and innovator, Brett thinks differently and comes up with solutions which minimise stakeholder risks and maximises project benefits.

His collaborative work style and contribution to social justice initiatives, underpinned by inclusive community and stakeholder engagement practices, have been positively acknowledged by work colleagues and project stakeholders alike.


Additional Information

Please note: This workshop is part two of a two-part series. Part one is Introduction to Community Engagement for Council Staff. Staff who want to understand how to select the most appropriate technique need to first understand the basics of community engagement in a local government context.

No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2080 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Traffic Control Regulations & Authorisations Training


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council staff involved in making and/or managing delegations and authorisations and other general governance responsibilities; with delegations or authorisations under the Instrument; and with traffic management responsibilities.



This training will address the Instrument of General Approval and Delegation to Councils for the Use of Traffic Control Devices, Road Closure and Granting of Exemptions for Events under the Road Traffic Act 1961 from the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, dated 22 August 2013 (the Instrument).
The Instrument:
  • Grants general approvals from the Minister to councils to exercise certain powers, subject to certain conditions;
  • Delegates powers from the Minister to councils (being a power to grant approvals, thus enabling councils to grant certain approvals of their own, and a power to declare events, which entails powers to close roads and to grant exemptions from certain Australian Road Rules), subject to certain conditions;
  • Permits sub delegation of powers by councils, subject to certain conditions;
  • Provides for the appointment by the Chief Executive Officer of authorised for the purpose of discharging powers for which general approval has been granted to a council (‘sub-authorisations’) and for the purpose of discharging powers which the council has delegated authority to exercise;
  • Requires a council to identify by resolution one or more persons who is/are, in the opinion of the council, an experienced traffic engineering practitioner for purpose of preparing traffic impact statements;
  • requires the appointment of an authorised officer for the purpose of endorsing traffic impact statements;
  • Involves requirements to notify and seek the concurrence of other parties in certain circumstances (including adjoining councils, the Commissioner of Highways, the Commissioner of Police, and other emergency and traffic-related State Government instrumentalities);
  • Refers to external documents and requires councils to comply with those documents; and imposes record-keeping requirements.


Key Learnings

  • The nature of the powers which a council is able to exercise under the Instrument, and the conditions and obligations imposed by the Instrument;
  • The legal basis upon which a council is able to exercise its various powers under the Instrument;
  • The distinction between those powers for which a council is granted general approval, and those powers for which it is the delegate of the Minister;
  • The distinction between authorisations (including ‘sub-authorisations’) and subdelegations;
  • How to properly document and implement authorisations and subdelegations under the Instrument; and
  • Some of the fundamental technical requirements applying to traffic control devices.



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
With a passion for public sector governance and regulatory control, Dale has been helping councils and other local authorities to govern, protect and enhance their local communities for over 10 years. Dale frequently presents workshops and training sessions for a wide variety of public sector clients and lectures in environmental health law at Flinders University.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at


Understanding your obligations under the Burial and Cremation Act 2013 and Regulations


Duration: Half day
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

All Council Staff.



Since 2013 in the state of South Australia there has been a single Act and Regulations covering all burials and cremations in South Australia. This course is designed to inform all attendees of their rights and importantly their obligations for ensuring compliance with this legislation.


Key Learnings

  • The record keeping obligations under The Act.
  • What is an Interment Right?
  • What is a Plain English Statement?
  • What registers must be kept?
  • What must happen before a burial or cremation can take place?
  • Ownership of Monuments
  • Who takes over an interment right when the current holder dies?
  • Can Interment Rights be issued for a period of time or in perpetuity
  • What are the obligations regarding refunds for surrendered unexercised interment rights;
  • General compliance requirement
  • 30-minute discussion – ‘6 years on’ – the common questions and issues that have arisen as a result of the new legislation.
  • FAQ’s (from experience)



Michael Robertson, CEO - Adelaide Cemeteries
Adelaide Cemeteries is the largest provider of cemetery services to the South Australian community and a self-funded statutory authority of the South Australian Government.

Michael has led the charge to position Adelaide Cemeteries as the industry leader for environmental sustainability in Australia.

He spearheaded innovative changes which saw Adelaide Cemeteries be the first in the nation to receive international environmental accreditation.

He oversaw the design of the new $23 million multi-function community facility at Enfield Memorial Park.
Michael is also passionate about ensuring cemeteries are integral parts of the local communities in which they operate. He is working to create community fruit and vegetable gardens and Enfield will have electric vehicle charging points.

Michael has more than 20 years’ executive management experience and holds an MBA.


Additional Information

The Adelaide Cemeteries Authority has kindly offered to deliver this program Face to Face at the Reflection Rooms, Enfield Memorial Park, off Gordon Street, Clearview. An optional tour of the crematorium and a burial site set-up will now be offered to those who attend Memorial Park.

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face to Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an 'In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Unfair Dismissals


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Human Resource Officers, Directors, General Managers and CEOs



This course provides a breakdown of what constitutes an ‘unfair dismissal’ at law. We will discuss what a Court or Tribunal would consider a if an unfair dismissal claim is brought against a Council and provide guidance and information to assist with defending a claim. 


Key Learnings

  • Unfair dismissals under the Fair Work Act 1994 (SA);
  • Application of Awards and enterprise agreements;
  • Harsh, unjust and unreasonable explained;
  • Procedural and substantive fairness explained;
  • Evidence and proof on the balance of probabilities; and
  • Resolving disputes and entering into a Deed of Settlement and Release. 



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Unsolicited Bids and Major Projects Governance Masterclass


Duration: Half Day 
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Governance Officers, Property Officers & Planning Officers and Managers



Councils are passionate about strengthening their communities and supporting projects that will do this. Councils are increasingly seeking out opportunities to fund major projects in their areas and being approached by the private sector with proposals for new and expanded business opportunities for their areas. 

This master class has developed to provide Council officers and managers with the tools they need to be forward thinking and ready to respond to opportunities as they present, whilst also being mindful of, and complying with, all legislative responsibilities.  


Key Learnings

This master class will examine a board range of matters relating to good governance of unsolicited bids and major project management – from the initial proposal stage through to sign off.  This includes:
  • Due diligence: knowing what and who you are dealing with.
  • Unsolicited bids and section 49 policies: how to invite opportunities whilst also balancing transparency and accountability requirements.  
  • Community land management plans: how to use these to your advantage whilst complying with legislative requirements.  
  • Disposal of assets: legislative requirements and timing considerations.  
  • Report writing: getting it right, the first time.  
  • Delegations: when and how they can be used.
  • Better document negotiation and drafting: tips and traps.
  • Special meetings: when and how to use them to meet project deadlines.
  • Dealing with external agencies: when and how to get them involved.
  • Confidentiality orders: when and how to use them.
  • Section 270 reviews: what to do when a review is sought.
  • Informal consultation and gatherings: when and how to use them and what the new legislative requirements require.  
  • Funding agreements: tips and traps..



Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Felice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations. 

Mabel Tam, Principal - Property, Infrastructure & Commercial – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Mabel is a commercial and property lawyer specialising in local government major projects. With expertise across a diverse spectrum of areas, Mabel is best placed to assist Councils with strategic, commercial and property advice. With a passion for local government and extensive experience presenting to councils, Mabel is a trusted adviser for metropolitan and regional councils.

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.  


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Variations under the PDI Act workshop


Duration: 2 hours 
Investment: $245 (incl GST)
Delivery: Face to Face & Live virtual classroom

Please note: For accredited professionals, 2.0 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session

Target Audience

Planning officers, building officers, accredited professionals, Assessment Panel members


The concept of variations is multifaceted under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. It includes amendments to a development application during development assessment, but also amendments to development authorisations. In addition, such variations often have procedural considerations, such as the determination of the correct public notification requirements or correct relevant authority. Questions on variations are regularly raised by our clients. Given the recent amendments to both the Planning and Design Code and Planning, Development and Infrastructure Regulations 2017 regarding variations broadly, this training is both timely and also a refresher on existing best practice to assist those involved in assessment under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. 

Key Learnings 

  • What is a minor variation? 
  • The varying of a development application during development assessment? 
  • The assessment of a variation application to a development authorisation’ 
  • Planning and Design Code, Table 5 – Public Notification:
  • What is development “of a minor nature only”?
  • What is a “minor in nature” variation in the preamble to Table 5?
  • Minor variations involved in a Deemed to Satisfy assessment pathway? 


Rebecca McAulay, Principal - Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Rebecca is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia. 

Aden Miegel, Principal – Planning, Development and Environment – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Aden is a Principal in the Planning, Development and Environment Team at Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.  This Norman Waterhouse Team is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of advice on planning, development and environmental law matters to the local government sector in South Australia.

Additional Information

For further information about the content of this program or to enquire about having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council or to a ‘Council Hub’ near you please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

What is Development? An introduction for new and para-planners


Duration:  2 hours
Investment: $245 (inc GST)
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar

Please note: 2 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points are available for this session

Target Audience

New planners, planning recruits, para-planners, administration and support staff


This session will provide a high-level overview of the fundamental concepts surrounding what constitutes ‘development’ under the Planning, Development & Infrastructure Act 2016. Tailored to entry level planners and relevant support staff, this training will consider real world case examples aimed to assist in navigating the complexities in determining ‘what is development’ and what requires development approval, and the resulting legislative processes and procedures.

Key Learnings

Key learnings that will be taken from the workshop include:
  • Introduction to what constitutes ‘development’ under the Planning, Development & Infrastructure Act 2016
  • Understanding assessment pathways and the role of a relevant authority
  • Threshold concepts of development and case law examples, including:
    • Change of land use
    • Building work
    • State and Local Heritage affecting activities
    • Significant and regulated tree-damaging activity
    • Operation of exclusions under the Planning, Development & Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017


Nicholas Munday – Associate – Environment & Planning – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Stephan Koefer – Solicitor – 
Environment & Planning – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Norman Waterhouse Lawyers have been advisors to both the State Government and the Local Government Association in the formation of planning instruments, guidance documents, elements of the Planning and Design Code and the implementation of the new legislation.  Over the last few years they have provided extensive training on these topics to the local government sector.  The Norman Waterhouse Team is recognised as the largest of its kind in this State and is widely recognised as a leader in the provision of such advice to the local government sector in South Australia.

Additional Information

For further information about the content of this program or to enquire about having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council or to a ‘Council Hub’ near you please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.

Work Health and Safety Obligations


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Human Resource Officers, Work Health and Safety Officers, Managers, Team Leaders and CEOs



All employers have a primary duty of care to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of its employees and others in the workplace. This session will explain Council’s obligations, as well as the obligations of employees, contractors, volunteers and other staff. 


Key Learnings

  • Maintaining a safe work environment under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (SA);
  • Duties of employees and volunteers;
  • When and how to report a notifiable incident; 
  • Consultation, health and safety committees and representatives;
  • Powers relating to entry by Inspectors; and
  • Dealing with disputes. 



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.   


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Workplace Investigations and Procedural Fairness


Duration: Half Day  
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Human Resource Officers, Directors, Managers, Team Leaders and CEOs



This training session will provide a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a procedurally fair workplace investigation in relation to any complaints or misconduct of staff to ensure that council complies with the principles of procedural fairness and natural justice.  


Key Learnings

  • How to structure a procedurally fair workplace investigation;
  • The pitfalls and traps of employers and how to avoid them;
  • The balance of probabilities; and 
  • Dealing with disputes. 



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law. 

The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia. 


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.