Learn, develop, perform

Do you experience a barrier coming into the city for training? 

In-house training is a great way to develop your team's capability, improve engagement and increase performance. We can create a tailored training solution ensuring value for your investment - when & where you need it.

When a team trains together, the ongoing discussions around the new knowledge and skills acquired provides a return to both the individual and the team.

Alternatively, have a chat with us about hosting an existing course at your council! We can invite your neighbouring council’s to attend and divide the agreed fee between those in attendance.

Please email training@lga.sa.gov.au or phone 8224 2035 to find our more!

Our Key Goals

To deliver training opportunities that are:

current and meet the future needs of our member councils

cost effective

time efficient i.e. inhouse, in metropolitan and regional areas, via webinar and online.

What we offer:

Customised Training

adjust an existing course to suit the strategic needs of your council

engage us to develop a course from scratch to suit your needs

we can train to your council's procedures and prepare for legislative change

training for implementation of new systems or procedures

training to small groups from one council or groups comprised from neighbouring councils (hub)

start/finish times to suit the schedules of your staff

weekend training

Where we train:

we deliver training to all councils in SA

at your premises or on your worksite

The LGA Training endeavour to meet the training needs of all councils in South Australia. We are aware that it is not always easy or financially viable for our regional councils to make the trip to Adelaide to attend our scheduled courses. In response to this LGA Training offer training opportunities in all regional areas, aiming to provide price parity with the training offered in the metropolitan area.

The value benefit to regional councils includes reduced accommodation costs, travel time and loss of productivity associated with attending training in Adelaide. 

To hold a regional session, LGA Training generally require a minimum of 12 to 15 participants to keep council expenses to a minimum and to cover the delivery costs associated with most courses. We encourage 'hub' training, where neighbouring councils band together at a mutually agreed venue where all gain the benefit of the opportunity to engage in training. 

For further information, please email training@lga.sa.gov.au or phone 8224 2035.

What we seek:

We continually strive to improve our service and offering to the sector.  If you would like to make a suggestion or offer any feedback, we welcome your contact. You can do that by emailing training@lga.sa.gov or by calling 8224 2035.