Working in partnership

LGA Training would like to acknowledge the partnership with Norman Waterhouse in offering a range of legal training to member councils.

The LGA and Norman Waterhouse share a long history in providing training to the local government sector and together are committed to providing quality learning experiences. 

There are more than eighty legal courses available.  We encourage you to explore what is on offer and subscribe to our eNews for regular updates.


Planning and Building Practitioners

LGA Training in partnership with Norman Waterhouse offer a comprehensive program for Planning and Building practitioners. This program supports practitioners achieve their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act.

For a list of courses on offer, please click here and select the Building and Planning CPD category.

(Any queries can be directed to, Peter Psaltis at Norman Waterhouse.)


Council Staff - Award Interpretation Series

Norman Waterhouse offer a training workshop series focused on breaking down and explaining the provisions of, both, the South Australian Municipal Salaried Officers Award and the Local Government Employees Award. This program is aimed at Council staff, Human Resources, Executive Team and CEOs.

To enrol, please click here and select the course you would like to attend.

(Any queries can be directed to, Sathish Dasan at Norman Waterhouse.)