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Behaviour Management: Understanding bullying and harassment
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Webinar
Target Audience
For all Council staff
Workplace bullying is on the rise in Australia. No workplace is immune. Apart from heightened risk of anxiety, depression and suicide on the individuals concerned, The Productivity Commission estimates it costs Australian organisations between $6 billion and $36 billion a year through lost productivity, poor morale, increased absenteeism and time spent documenting, pursuing or defending claims.So, the big question is…is there a risk that bullying is happening in your workplace? Do you know how to recognise it when you see it?
The most effective way to stamp out bullying is to stop it before it starts. This means putting in place an approach to prevent inappropriate behaviour from escalating and growing a respectful work culture where bullying is not tolerated. The content of this program will provide participants with a positive starting point to address workplace bullying.
Key Learnings
- What is bullying / What is robust debate?
- What is harassment / discrimination?
- What workplace cultures contribute to poor behaviours being accepted?
- What contributes to poor behaviours and how can we influence behaviour?
Mayor Moira Jenkins, City of Victor Harbor (BA (Hons), Grad Dip Conflict Management, M.Psych, PhD.Dr Moira Jenkins, is the Mayor of the City of Victor Harbor. She is also the Director and founder of Aboto and one of Australia’s experts in the prevention and management of workplace bullying and harassment. She uses her background in clinical psychology, her management experience, her research and her knowledge of workplace psychological health and conflict management to provide expert human resource consulting services in this area.
Dr Jenkins PhD thesis examined bullying and harassment from the perspective of the complaint, alleged perpetrator and the HR consultant. She is the author of a book Preventing and Managing Workplace Bullying and Harassment: A Risk Management Approach and is author of a number of journal articles and book chapters on this subject.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
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Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
ChemAlert ‘Risk Assessment’ training
Investment: $245 inc GST per person
Delivery: Live virtual classroom
Target Audience
For staff responsible for the storage, labelling and/or reporting of chemical products in accordance with the relevant regulations i.e. base level staff, OHS coordinators, site supervisors and safety managers and staff responsible for risk assessments.
This two hour program is one of a suite of three ChemAlert programs. Please see 'Additional information' below for further information about ChemAlert Search and Stock training.Key Learnings
As a result of completing ChemAlert 'Risk Assessment' training, participants should be able to perform the following tasks:- Understand the difference between a Simple and Detailed Risk Assessment;
- Create a new Risk Assessment;
- Review and input information relevant to a product Risk Assessment;
- Follow the Risk Assessment Workflow process.
Paul Walker, ChemAlert Trainer / Chemical Auditor - Risk Management TechnologiesPaul is a ChemAlert auditor and has a deep knowledge of chemical management. He works with clients to help them identify chemicals and access the safety information in ChemAlert and how to apply those safety measures in their operations.
Paul runs a large number of interactive and online training sessions for RMT. This includes bespoke courses to meet individual client needs, and public training sessions covering the latest work and health legislative requirements across different regions.
Additional Information
For further information on the other ChemAlert components and to enrol, click on the below headings:ChemAlert 'Stock' training
ChemAlert 'Search' training
ChemAlert Search, Stock and Risk Assessment Program
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
ChemAlert ‘Search’ training
Investment: $245 inc GST per person
Delivery: Live virtual classroom
Target Audience
For staff responsible for the storage, labelling and/or reporting of chemical products in accordance with the relevant regulations i.e. base level staff, OHS coordinators, site supervisors and safety managers and staff responsible for risk assessments.
This two hour program is one of a suite of three ChemAlert programs. Please see 'Additional information' below for further information about ChemAlert Risk Assessment and Stock training.
Key Learnings
As a result of completing ChemAlert 'Search' training, participants should be able to perform the following tasks:- Locate products on ChemAlert
- Retrieve and review manufacturers’ Safety Data Sheets
- Locate and review Product Details information, including Chemical Footprint and health hazards
- Generate ChemAlert reports and product labels
Paul Walker, ChemAlert Trainer / Chemical Auditor - Risk Management TechnologiesPaul is a ChemAlert auditor and has a deep knowledge of chemical management. He works with clients to help them identify chemicals and access the safety information in ChemAlert and how to apply those safety measures in their operations.
Paul runs a large number of interactive and online training sessions for RMT. This includes bespoke courses to meet individual client needs, and public training sessions covering the latest work and health legislative requirements across different regions.
Additional Information
For further information on the other ChemAlert components and to enrol, click on the below headings:ChemAlert 'Risk Assessment' training
ChemAlert 'Stock' training
ChemAlert Search, Stock and Risk Assessment Program
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
ChemAlert ‘Stock’ training
Investment: $245 inc GST per person
Delivery: Live virtual classroom
Target Audience
For staff responsible for the storage, labelling and/or reporting of chemical products in accordance with the relevant regulations i.e. base level staff, OHS coordinators, site supervisors and safety managers and staff responsible for risk assessments
This two hour program is one of a suite of three ChemAlert programs. Please see 'Additional information' below for further information about ChemAlert Risk Assessment and Search training.
Key Learnings
As a result of completing ChemAlert Stock training, participants should be able to perform the following tasks:- Create a Hierarchy of storage locations;
- Manage, copy or delete Locations within the Hierarchy;
- Add, edit, copy or delete products from Inventory;
- Input specific quantities of products into Inventory;
- Generate and review stock reports including Hazardous Chemicals registers and Dangerous Goods listings.
Paul Walker, ChemAlert Trainer / Chemical Auditor - Risk Management TechnologiesPaul is a ChemAlert auditor and has a deep knowledge of chemical management. He works with clients to help them identify chemicals and access the safety information in ChemAlert and how to apply those safety measures in their operations.
Paul runs a large number of interactive and online training sessions for RMT. This includes bespoke courses to meet individual client needs, and public training sessions covering the latest work and health legislative requirements across different regions.
Additional Information
For further information on the other ChemAlert components and to enrol, click on the below headings:ChemAlert 'Risk Assessment' training
ChemAlert 'Search' training
ChemAlert Search, Stock and Risk Assessment Program
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
ChemAlert Search, Stock and Risk Assessment Program
Investment: $735 inc GST per person
Delivery: Live virtual classroom
Target Audience
For staff responsible for the storage, labelling and/or reporting of chemical products in accordance with the relevant regulations i.e. base level staff, OHS coordinators, site supervisors and safety managers and staff responsible for risk assessments.
The ChemAlert Search, Stock and Risk Assessment (V5) Program is a package of three two-hour webinar sessions that can be purchased as a full package or as individual modules. For details of the content of each session see below:
Key Learnings
- Locate products on ChemAlert;
- Retrieve and review manufacturers’ Safety Data Sheets;
- Locate and review Product Details information, including Chemical Footprint and health hazards;
- Generate ChemAlert reports and product labels.
- Create a Hierarchy of storage locations;
- Manage, copy or delete Locations within the Hierarchy;
- Add, edit, copy or delete products from Inventory;
- Input specific quantities of products into Inventory;
- Generate and review stock reports including Hazardous Chemicals registers and Dangerous Goods listings.
Risk Assessment
- Understand the difference between a Simple and Detailed Risk Assessment;
- Create a new Risk Assessment;
- Review and input information relevant to a product Risk Assessment;
- Follow the Risk Assessment Workflow process.
If you choose not to attend the whole program you can enrol in individual sessions. Please see below:
ChemAlert 'Search' training
ChemAlert 'Stock' training
ChemAlert 'Risk Assessment' training
Paul Walker, ChemAlert Trainer / Chemical Auditor - Risk Management TechnologiesPaul is a ChemAlert auditor and has deep knowledge of chemical management. He works with clients to help them identify chemicals and access the safety information in ChemAlert and how to apply those safety measures in their operations.
Paul runs a large number of interactive and online training sessions for RMT. This includes bespoke courses to meet individual client needs, and public training sessions covering the latest work and health legislative requirements across different regions.
Additional Information
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Grant writing: a new approach
Investment: $430 inc GST per person
Delivery: Face to Face & Webinar
Target Audience
All council staff applying for Australian or State government grants. Open to all levels.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has said his government is taking a ‘new approach to grants for local government’ and has opened funding up to a broader range of areas that have not been covered in the last 10 years. Funding is now available in areas including the arts, environment, climate change, infrastructure and more. With any change comes changes to processes.This training offers insight into how, why, and what these changes mean to local government and your grant preparation.
Key Learnings
- An understanding of the Australian and State government’s new approach to grants and information about how to navigate the changes to the system.
- An understanding of the best approach in preparing a ‘stand-out’ grant application that impresses your application assessor.
- An understanding of the new reporting requirements: past grants are now becoming an eligibility requirement for future applications.
- Insight into natural disaster grants and funding.
- Growing Regions funding - What to expect in Round TWO.
- Regional Partnerships Funding
Colin Steele, Managing Director - Section51Colin Steele, Section51, has been supporting councils across Australia with grants and funding for over 13 years. Before Section51, in addition to working as a local government planner, Colin worked in multiple NSW and Australian Government Departments on grants and funding. He was Director of the Local Government Policy Team in the Department of Infrastructure during the Global Financial Crisis under Minister Albanese. Colin’s team in government was part of the design and administration of multiple Australian government grant programs for local government, He worked on national climate change policy for the Australian Government, for Attorney Generals Department on Natural Disaster Funding and ran the NSW recovery task force following the 2003 bushfires.
Additional Information
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Introduction to Community Engagement for Council Officers
Investment: $670 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face only
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
Community Engagement Officers and Managers in the Community Development, Communications Officers, Community Services, Planning and Development, Infrastructure and Strategic Planning areas.
Community engagement is about involving communities in decision making processes, which is critical in the successful development of acceptable policies and sustainable decisions in government, the private sector, and the community.This one-day workshop is designed for staff who need to understand the basics of engaging with the community when it is required under Section 50 of the LG Act; and where community input can contribute to sustainable decision making.
The Community Engagement Project undertaken by the LGA produced a handbook resource for Councils across South Australia. The Community Engagement Handbook is based on the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) model and provides a basic community engagement framework for Councils.
Key Learnings
- What is meant by community engagement in a local government context
- Spectrum of community engagement
- Legislative requirements in relation to local government decision making
- Planning, implementing and evaluating community engagement
- Developing a community engagement plan
Brett Manuel, Associate, North ProjectsBrett is a skillfull, senior Stakeholder and Community Engagement practitioner with experience strategically planning and delivering cutting edge community and stakeholder engagement programs, predominantly for SA Government departments.
A motivator and innovator, Brett thinks differently and comes up with solutions which minimise stakeholder risks and maximises project benefits.
His collaborative work style and contribution to social justice initiatives, underpinned by inclusive community and stakeholder engagement practices, have been positively acknowledged by work colleagues and project stakeholders alike.
Additional Information
This course is part one of a two-part series. Part two is Techniques for Participation in Community Engagement.Staff who want to understand how to select the most appropriate technique need to first understand the basics of community engagement in a local government context.
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2080 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management & Long-Term Financial Plans
Investment: $670 incl GST *see alternative options below
Delivery: Face to Face & Webinar
Target Audience
CEOs‚ Asset Managers and Senior Finance Officers
This full day program offers participants the opportunity to attend both ‘Long-Term Financial Plans’ & ‘Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management Plans’ at a reduced rate.‘Preparing and Updating Asset Management Plans’ has been developed to assist participants to reflect on experiences in preparing Infrastructure and Asset Management Plans and undertake future updates. It focuses on practical tips and traps based on Councils experiences in preparing useful and legislatively compliant plans. Material presented and discussed will cover legislative requirements (including the latest reforms), guidance on the development of practical framework strategies that have regard to source and data constraints, and how the Plan can assist with asset management planning decisions.
‘Preparing and Updating Long-Term Financial Plans’ has been developed to enhance the skills of participants to develop practical, easy to prepare and follow, long-term financial plans. It includes tips and traps based on council’s experiences in preparing useful and legislatively compliant plans. Material presented will cover legislative requirements (including the latest reforms), structural suggestions, how to identify and determine key information and assumptions for input and how to develop an appropriate financial strategy considering relevant local factors.
Key Learnings
Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management:- How to determine affordable service standards relevant to particular local circumstances
- The need to base asset maintenance and renewal intervention points on minimising whole of life net economic costs and affordable service levels
- How to manage mismatches between cash flow availability and cash flow need
- The relevance or not of recorded depreciation for asset management planning
- How to resolve conflicts between asset management planning projected needs and long-term financial planning constraints.
Long-Term Financial Plans:
- Suggested structure and content and the appropriate level of detail to include
- What key assumptions should be specified and the basis of their estimates
- The need to recognise, and options to accommodate, future expected price movements
- The need to vary some indicator target ranges over time
- What types of sensitivity analysis should be undertaken and how to present results
- What level of functional and activity level financial information should be provided
- What written explanatory content should be included
- How to make trade-offs to achieve financial targets
Mark Davies, Financial management expert, advisor, and trainer to state and local governmentMark is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience spanning across both the private and public sectors. His career includes experience as a Senior Audit Manager and Principal Consultant with PWC to serving as Chief Financial Officer, General Manager Corporate Services and Chief Executive Officer in councils.
Mark has co-designed and delivered strategic and financial management training to Elected Members for the Municipal Association of Victoria and has worked on the integrated strategic management framework in South Australia. He has a long history of providing accessible financial management training to elected members and officers and enjoys demystifying financial terminology and building confidence.
Additional Information
If your preference is to attend only Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management Plans you can enrol in this half day session hereIf your preference is only to attend Preparing Long-Term Financial Plans you can enrol in this half day session here
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management Plans
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
Target Audience
CEOs, Asset Managers and Senior Finance Officers
‘Preparing and Updating Asset Management Plans’ has been developed to assist participants to reflect on experiences in preparing Infrastructure and Asset Management Plans and undertake future updates. It focuses on practical tips and traps based on Councils experiences in preparing useful and legislatively compliant plans. Material presented and discussed will cover legislative requirements (including the latest reforms), guidance on the development of practical framework strategies that have regard to source and data constraints, and how the Plan can assist with asset management planning decisions.
Key Learnings
- How to determine affordable service standards relevant to particular local circumstances
- The need to base asset maintenance and renewal intervention points on minimising whole of life net economic costs and affordable service levels
- How to manage mismatches between cash flow availability and cash flow need
- The relevance or not of recorded depreciation for asset management planning
- How to resolve conflicts between asset management planning projected needs and long-term financial planning constraints.
Mark Davies, Financial management expert, advisor, and trainer to state and local governmentMark is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience spanning across both the private and public sectors. His career includes experience as a Senior Audit Manager and Principal Consultant with PWC to serving as Chief Financial Officer, General Manager Corporate Services and Chief Executive Officer in councils.
Mark has co-designed and delivered strategic and financial management training to Elected Members for the Municipal Association of Victoria and has worked on the integrated strategic management framework in South Australia. He has a long history of providing accessible financial management training to elected members and officers and enjoys demystifying financial terminology and building confidence.
Additional Information
Please select your preferred delivery method below.
To complement this program you may be interested in attending our Asset Management and Long-Term Financial Plans at a discounted rate please click here
For further information about the content of this program, to enquire about having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council or to a ‘Council Hub’ near you or to go on the wait list if this program is not currently scheduled -please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Techniques for Participation in Community Engagement
Investment: $670 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
Community Engagement Officers and Managers in the Community Development, Community Services, Planning and Development and Strategic Planning areas.
This course will provide participants with an introduction to internationally recognised community engagement techniques. Prior to attending this course, it is recommended that participants attend the 'Introduction to Community Engagement for Council Officers' workshop which provides training in the use of the Local Government Community Engagement Handbook.The handbook is revised regularly to keep it up to date with current developments in community engagement in South Australia. It includes a section on engagement techniques with First Nation communities and people with disabilities.
This-one day workshop reviews how to effectively plan for community engagement which leads to the selection of appropriate techniques.
Key Learnings
- Review and build on the planning process for community engagement;
- Explore the range of skills needed to work with community engagement techniques;
- Understand a structured approach to determining which techniques are most likely to produce; desired results and increase participation in community engagement;
- Active participation in a range of techniques such as facilitation of small groups, 'Focused Conversations' and 'World Café'.
Brett Manuel, Associate, North ProjectsBrett is a skillfull, senior Stakeholder and Community Engagement practitioner with experience strategically planning and delivering cutting edge community and stakeholder engagement programs, predominantly for SA Government departments.
A motivator and innovator, Brett thinks differently and comes up with solutions which minimise stakeholder risks and maximises project benefits.
His collaborative work style and contribution to social justice initiatives, underpinned by inclusive community and stakeholder engagement practices, have been positively acknowledged by work colleagues and project stakeholders alike.
Additional Information
Please note: This workshop is part two of a two-part series. Part one is Introduction to Community Engagement for Council Staff. Staff who want to understand how to select the most appropriate technique need to first understand the basics of community engagement in a local government context.No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2080 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.