Additional post-election training
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Audit and Risk Committees: General Overview
Investment: $430 inc GST per person
Delivery: Face to Face & Virtual
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
Audit and Risk Committee Members, Elected Members and council staff
All Councils are required to have an Audit and Risk Committee. This session provides an overview of the legislative requirements (including the latest reforms) and practical responsibilities of an Audit and Risk Committee as part of council’s leadership and good governance obligations.
Key Learnings
- Define the role of an Audit and Risk Committee
- Understand the membership and meeting requirements
- Explain the various functions including audit and risk management
- The relationship between the Committee, Council and Administration.
Mark Davies, Financial management expert, advisor, and trainer to state and local governmentMark is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience spanning across both the private and public sectors. His career includes experience as a Senior Audit Manager and Principal Consultant with PWC to serving as Chief Financial Officer, General Manager Corporate Services and Chief Executive Officer in councils.
Mark has co-designed and delivered strategic and financial management training to Elected Members for the Municipal Association of Victoria and has worked on the integrated strategic management framework in South Australia. He has a long history of providing accessible financial management training to elected members and officers and enjoys demystifying financial terminology and building confidence.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face to Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Behavioural Standards
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
Elected Members
This session is designed to give participants a deeper understanding of the Behavioural Standards in the context of an elected member’s statutory obligations.Participants will explore the continuum of ‘prevention to intervention’ methods when upholding the Behavioural Standards. The session will expand on what is covered in the LGA Mandatory Training Standard, providing further information in relation to the Behavioural Standards Panel, the SA Ombudsman and ICAC.
Norman Waterhouse LawyersThe Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of industrial relations, governance, and regulatory services to the local government sector in South Australia.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
CEO Performance Reviews and Contractual Obligations
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
Target Audience
Elected Members
Chief Executive Officers of local government councils are accountable to the elected body of the Council. As such, councils are required to conduct frequent CEO performance reviews.This session will examine how to ensure a high standard of leadership is provided by the council’s CEO by conducting effective performance management and recruitment processes in line with contractual obligations This session will further examine the legislative provisions in the LG Act regarding CEO performance reviews.
Key Learnings
- What constitutes performance management
- Council’s core governance responsibilities
- Establishment of KPIs
- Importance of a CEO Performance Management Committee
- How to provide accurate, timely and authoritative feedback to a CEO
Sathish Dasan, Principal - Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance - Norman Waterhouse LawyersSathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.
The Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of industrial relations, governance, and regulatory services to the local government sector in South Australia.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Community Engagement for Elected Members
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face or Webinar
Target Audience
Elected Members
This Community Engagement for Elected Members session will provide an overview and introduction to the LGASA Community Engagement framework that support council’s effective engagement processes. The content has been influenced by the results of a project funded by the LGA Research and Development Scheme into how councils engage communities in Annual Business Planning and Budgets.The delivery of the training includes the use of a case study and practical methods, examples, and shared learning experiences of community engagement to build understanding of effective engagement practices.
Through interactive activities elected members will enhance their authentic leadership skills and develop their ability to communicate and engage with greater influence; and discover how to use community input to inform decision making.
Brett Manuel, Associate, North ProjectsBrett is a skillfull, senior Stakeholder and Community Engagement practitioner with experience strategically planning and delivering cutting edge community and stakeholder engagement programs, predominantly for SA Government departments.
A motivator and innovator, Brett thinks differently and comes up with solutions which minimise stakeholder risks and maximises project benefits.
His collaborative work style and contribution to social justice initiatives, underpinned by inclusive community and stakeholder engagement practices, have been positively acknowledged by work colleagues and project stakeholders alike.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Please note: Elected Members are encouraged to confirm with their administrators authorisation to register, prior to committing.
Conflict of Interest for Elected Members
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
Elected Members
This program is designed to provide participants with a deeper understanding of Conflict of Interest in the context of an elected members’ statutory obligations beyond what is covered in the LGA Training Standards for Council Members.The session will explore ways to distinguish and differentiate between various conflicts of interest and discuss ways to effectively reduce an elected members’ risk of non-compliance.
Norman Waterhouse LawyersThe Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia. Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Council Meetings and Chamber Etiquette
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
New Council Members keen to understand Council and Committee Meeting Procedures and Chairing Skills. Returned Members who would like to update their strategies and knowledge.
Key Learnings
- Chamber etiquette 101
- Strategies to chair Local Government meetings more effectively and productively in accordance with the appropriate Acts
- The application of the provisions of the Act and the Regulations in relation to procedures at Council and Council Committee meetings
- Meeting processes and chairing skills in Local Government meetings
- Roles and responsibilities of those attending Local Government meetings
- Knowledge and skills required to contribute effectively to the decision making processes
- Strategies to undertake the role of presiding member more effectively and productively
- The legislative requirements in relation to the process and procedures involved in Local Government meetings and participation in meetings.
Norman Waterhouse LawyersThe Norman Waterhouse Local Government Team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of administrative and regulatory advice to the local government sector in South Australia. Our practitioners regularly represent public authorities before a wide range of Courts and Tribunals.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Enhanced Public Speaking and Presenting for Elected Members
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Live via virtual classroom
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
Elected Members
Being able to communicate effectively is one of life’s most important skills. It allows you to connect with people, to deliver information and to form positive relationships. Communicating in a way that builds trust, respect and engagement with your listeners is becoming more essential than ever before as we adjust to the challenges of today’s fast-paced world where everyone is competing to be heard. In a relaxed and safe setting, learn how to refine your public speaking and presentation techniques so that you become a strong and vibrant communicator, capable of delivering key messages in any forum.
Key Learnings
- Preparation: how to start, when to stop;
- Structure and signposting to help frame a speech/presentation that will resonate;
- The KISS principle: key messages and talking points that will keep you on track;
- The importance of words and phrasing that are clear and easy to understand;
- Speech rhythm, tone and inflection to ensure your audience stays engaged;
- Analogies and anecdotes to explain complex ideas and statistics;
- Presentation and demeanour support to build on image and brand;
- Body language – the tricks and pitfalls; and Insider tricks of the trade.
Georgina McGuinness, Director – McGuinness MediaGeorgina is an experienced media relations, external communications and stakeholder engagement executive, who has forged a career of more than 30 years in communications. For 25 years, Georgina presented Adelaide’s premier weekend news bulletin on Channel 9. Away from the news desk, she was also a senior journalist, sub-editor, producer, chief of staff and documentary presenter. Georgina has received awards for TV journalism and participated in a news presenter exchange with Adelaide’s sister city, Austin, Texas. More recently, Georgina has been a speech-writer to two State Opposition Leaders and Senior Communications Adviser, to then Leader of the Opposition (and current SA Premier) the Hon Steven Marshall MP.
This unique background across media and government has allowed her to establish a wealth of experience and expertise in communication, stakeholder engagement, key message development, publicity, branding and presentation.
In April 2014, she established McGuinness Media and in the seven years since, she has experienced strong and growing demand for her services assisting high level Australian and international clients across a range of industries.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Please note: Elected Members are encouraged to confirm with their administrators authorisation to register, prior to committing.
ICAC Overview - Maladministration, Misconduct, Corruption for Elected Members
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
Elected Members
As members of local government bodies, elected members must be aware of, and comply with their obligations as public officers pursuant to the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA) (‘ICAC Act’) and Ombudsman Act (SA) 1972 (‘Ombudsman Act’).This session will explain the primary objects of the ICAC Act and Ombudsman Act, what constitutes maladministration, misconduct and corruption in public administration, how such matters are investigated and the reporting obligations of public officers.
Key Learnings
- Role of the Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Role of the Ombudsman
- Definitions of, and real-life examples of maladministration, misconduct and corruption
- Reporting obligations of public officers under the ICAC Act and Ombudsman Act
- How corruption, misconduct and maladministration matters are handled
Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse LawyersSathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.
The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Meeting Procedures for Mayors and Chairs
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
Mayors and Chairpersons
This session will provide specific guidance on the presiding member’s obligations in relation to meeting procedures at council meetings, which are above those of elected members. The key responsibilities of the Mayors and Chairs will be discussed, in addition to practical considerations for Mayors and Chairs to consider in preparing for and assistance at council meetings.
Key Learnings
- Key responsibilities of Mayors and Chairs pursuant to legislation and code of practice
- How to prepare for council meetings
- Meeting procedures
Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse LawyersFelice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations.
Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
With a passion for public sector governance and regulatory control, Dale has been helping councils and other local authorities to govern, protect and enhance their local communities for over 10 years. Dale frequently presents workshops and training sessions for a wide variety of public sector clients and lectures in environmental health law at Flinders University.
The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Mock Council Meeting
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: $3500 incl GST per council‚ to request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
Elected Members
To enhance on the skills and understanding gained by elected council members as part of their mandatory training on Council and Committee Meetings, this session is an opportunity for elected members to put those skills to practice.This interactive workshop will give elected members an opportunity to act as participants in a mock council meeting and further explore the formal decision making process of an elected body, while observing the statutory meeting procedures.
Key Learnings
- How the statutory meeting procedures in the local government legislative framework can be utilised and properly applied in practice
- Appropriate interaction with council members and the Chairperson
Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse LawyersSathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last ten years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.
The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Register of Interests – Elected Members
Public Investment: $430 incl GST per person
In-house Investment: To request an in-house quote, please click here.
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
All Elected Members
This training will provide an overview of the requirements regarding ‘register of interests’ for elected members with a detailed explanation of all the types of interests that must be disclosed in a primary and ordinary return as well as the information contained in the returns that must be published on a website. Obligations of elected members to update their return will also be discussed as well as the consequences of failing to comply with the register of interest provisions. Examples will be provided of each interest that must be disclosed.
Key Learnings
- Requirements regarding ‘register of interests’ under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA)
- Types of interests that must be disclosed in a primary return
- Types of interests that must be disclosed in a ordinary return
- Consequences of failing to comply
Felice D’Agostino, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse LawyersFelice assists and provides advice to local authorities on a wide variety of matters involving statutory interpretation, administrative law, governance, public administration, freedom of information, and public integrity. She has extensive experience in delivering high quality training seminars, workshops and conferences across her many specialisations.
Dale Mazzachi, Principal – Governance and Regulatory Services – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
With a passion for public sector governance and regulatory control, Dale has been helping councils and other local authorities to govern, protect and enhance their local communities for over 10 years. Dale frequently presents workshops and training sessions for a wide variety of public sector clients and lectures in environmental health law at Flinders University.
The Norman Waterhouse Local Government team is the largest of its kind in the State and is widely recognised as the leader in the provision of advice and representation to the local government sector in South Australia.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Reputation and Media for Council Members
Investment: $430 incl GST
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)
Target Audience
Council members
Council members as leaders are responsible for the reputation of council.
In this session participants will gain a greater understanding of media dynamics and learn methods to proactively manage media in context of their role.
Georgina McGuinness, Director – McGuinness Media
Georgina is an experienced media relations, external communications and stakeholder engagement executive, who has forged a career of more than 30 years in communications. For 25 years, Georgina presented Adelaide’s premier weekend news bulletin on Channel 9. Away from the news desk, she was also a senior journalist, sub-editor, producer, chief of staff and documentary presenter. Georgina has received awards for TV journalism and participated in a news presenter exchange with Adelaide’s sister city, Austin, Texas. More recently, Georgina has been a speech-writer to two State Opposition Leaders and Senior Communications Adviser, to then Leader of the Opposition (and current SA Premier) the Hon Steven Marshall MP.
This unique background across media and government has allowed her to establish a wealth of experience and expertise in communication, stakeholder engagement, key message development, publicity, branding and presentation.
In April 2014, she established McGuinness Media and in the seven years since, she has experienced strong and growing demand for her services assisting high level Australian and international clients across a range of industries.
Additional Information
What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an ‘In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 1035vor at
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.
Please note: Elected Members are encouraged to confirm with their administrators authorisation to register, prior to committing.