Your guide to the Council Member Mandatory Training

1When do members need to complete their mandatory training?

Mayors and councillors must complete mandatory training within the first 12 months of their four-year term to comply with the LGA Training Standards.

2How can I satisfy the mandatory training requirements?

Here is a guide to assist Council Members and Mayors satisfy the mandatory training requirements.

3How can I record our member's training progress?

To help record your council member’s training progress, LGA Training have created a Council Member Mandatory Training Record. 

4Who can deliver the Council Member Mandatory Training?

You can engage external providers, however, you can also utilise internal staff who are proficient in particular areas ie finance manager (finance modules) etc.

5Who can attend the Principal Member Forum?

Registrations for this event are open to South Australian Council Mayors only.

For more information, visit the Council Member Mandatory Training landing page.