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Absences, Terminations and Unfair Dismissal (Legal)
Acoustics in the Planning System (Legal)
Application of the SAMSOA and LGE Awards to your Workplace (Legal)
Assessment Panel Training for Elected Members (Legal)
Assessment Panels – Governance & Process (Legal)
Audit and Risk Committees: General Overview (Governance)
Authorised Officers Training (Legal)
Award Interpretation and Application: New Training Series for Council Staff (Legal)
Awards, Enterprise Agreements and Industrial Instruments (Legal)
Behaviour Management: Understanding bullying and harassment (Business)
Behavioural Standards (Legal)
Bespoke Media Training for Council Members (General)
Bespoke: Media for Mayors and Executive staff (Governance)
Builders Damage vs Property Owner vs Council (LEGAL)
Building Inspections, Essential safety provisions (ESPs) & Compliance (Legal)
Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace and the WHS Act (Legal)
Case Law Review (Legal)
Cats and the Law (Legal)
CEO Performance Reviews and Contractual Obligations (Legal)
Chain of Responsibility (COR) and Load Restraint (Works/Infra)
Chain of Responsibility (COR) and Load Restraint (on-line) (Works/Infra)
Changes to the Federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (LEGAL)
ChemAlert ‘Risk Assessment’ training (Works/Infra)
ChemAlert ‘Search’ training (Works/Infra)
ChemAlert ‘Stock’ training (Works/Infra)
ChemAlert Search, Stock and Risk Assessment Program (Works/Infra)
Civic module 4.1 - Introduction to local government for Council Members (EM Mandatory)
Civil Penalties under the PDI Act – when and how to use (Legal)
Code Amendments (Legal)
Community Engagement for Elected Members (Business)
Community Land Management Plans (Legal)
Conducting an Internal Review: Full Program (Legal)
Conducting an Internal Review: Part 1 (Legal)
Conducting an Internal Review: Part 2 (Legal)
Conflict of Interest for Elected Members (Legal)
Conflict of Interest, Employee Conduct & Behaviour (Legal)
Correct and Preferable: Reviewing Council Decisions (Legal)
Council and Committee Meeting Agenda and Minute Preparation (Legal)
Council and Committee Meeting Procedure (Legal)
Council Delegations (Legal)
Council Delegations and How to use LGA Delegation Templates (Legal)
Council Meetings and Chamber Etiquette (Legal)
Council's Role and Powers as a Local Public Health Authority (Legal)
Criminal Trials in the Magistrates Court - A Practical Guide (Legal)
Deputy Mayor Forum (Forums)
Development and Building Compliance – Investigation and Evidence Gathering (Legal)
Development Conditions & Reserved Matters (Legal)
Dog & Cat Management and Local Nuisance Essentials (Legal)
Dog and Cat Management - Useful Tools for Difficult Situations (Legal)
Dog Management (Legal)
Drafting Enforcement Notices (Legal)
Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace (Legal)
EA/PA Circle Network Forum (Forums)
Employment Relationships (Legal)
Enhanced Public Speaking and Presenting for Elected Members (Business)
Enterprise Bargaining and Agreement Making (Legal)
Environmental Law for Local Government (Legal)
Ethics - Building (Legal)
Ethics - Planning (Legal)
Ethics for Accredited Professionals (Legal)
Expiation Notices - The Essentials (Legal)
Expiations under the PDI Act (Legal)
Fair Treatment and Equal Opportunity Act (Legal)
Food Safety Regulation and the Law (Legal)
Freedom of Information, Records Management and Confidentiality (Legal)
Frivolous & Vexatious Complaints (Legal)
Governance Forum (Forums)
Governance Officer Workshop: Council Member Behavioural Management Framework (Legal)
Grant writing: a new approach (Business)
Handling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (Legal)
How to Use LGA Delegations Templates Workshop (Legal)
ICAC Overview - Maladministration, Misconduct, Corruption for Elected Members (Legal)
ICAC Overview - Maladministration, Misconduct, Corruption for Officers (Legal)
Introduction to Community Engagement for Council Officers (Business)
Introduction to Legal Obligations - Employee Entitlements for Payroll and Finance Officers (Legal)
Introduction to Legal Obligations - Good Governance (Legal)
Introduction to Legal Obligations - Industrial Relations (Legal)
Introduction to Legal Obligations – New council staff (general) (Legal)
Introduction to Legal Obligations – New senior council staff (Legal)
Introduction to Legal Obligations - Planning (Legal)
Introduction to Legal Obligations - Property and Assets (Legal)
Introduction to Legal Obligations - Rates (Legal)
Introduction to Legal Obligations - Regulatory Services (Legal)
Introduction to Rates (Legal)
Investigation and Evidence Gathering (Legal)
Land Division and Infrastructure Delivery under the PDI Act (Legal)
Land Management Agreements (Legal)
Leave Entitlements, Stand Down, TOIL and RDOs (Legal)
Legislation, Planning & Design Code and Planning Instruments (Legal)
Legislative Tools for Managing Bushfire Risk (Legal)
Life's a Beach - The Role of a Council in Managing the Foreshore (Legal)
Liquor Licensing (Legal)
Local Government and You (Governance)
Local Government Property Management (Legal)
Local Nuisance & Litter Control (Legal)
Maintaining a Child Safe Organisation (Business)
Management of Council Land and Buildings: Governance Masterclass (Legal)
Managing Roads (Legal)
Mandatory Behaviour catch-up session (EM Mandatory)
Mandatory Civic and Legal catch-up session (EM Mandatory)
Mandatory financial management catch-up session (EM Mandatory)
Mayor & CEO Forum (Forums)
Mayor Forum (Forums)
Meeting Procedures for Mayors and Chairs (Legal)
Microsoft Excel – Beginner to Intermediate (Business)
Microsoft Word - On Demand (Business)
Mid-term council leadership workshop refresher module 8.1 (EM Mandatory)
Mid-term council meetings and procedures refresher module 8.3 (EM Mandatory)
Mid-term financial management refresher module 8.4 (EM Mandatory)
Mid-term legal refresher module 8.2 (EM Mandatory)
Mid-term refresher BUNDLE modules 8.1-8.4 (EM Mandatory)
Mock Council Meeting (Legal)
Native Vegetation and the Planning System (Legal)
Parking Enforcement – From an Expiation Notice to the Supreme Court (Legal)
Performance Management and Absenteeism (Legal)
PID Act Training (Legal)
Planning Act Essentials (Legal)
Planning in a Housing Crisis (Legal)
Powers, Purpose and Process By-laws (Legal)
Preparing and Updating Long-Term Financial Plans (Business)
Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management & Long-Term Financial Plans (Business)
Preparing Infrastructure Asset Management Plans (Business)
Rates Administration Masterclass (Legal)
Recovery of Rates and Sale of Land for Non-Payment of Rates (Legal)
Register of Interests – Elected Members (Legal)
Register of Interests – Prescribed Officers (Legal)
Regulated Trees & the Law Update (Legal)
Reputation and Media for Council Members (Business)
Responsible Social Media Use and Defamation Law (Legal)
Road Opening & Closure Procedure (Legal)
Roles and Responsibilities of Council Employees (Legal)
Safe Environments for Children and Young People - for Volunteers (Business)
Safe Environments for Children and Young People - Full Certificate (Business)
Safe Environments for Children and Young People - Refresher (Business)
Section 101A: Development Act Strategic Planning and Development Policy Committee (Legal)
Section 41: Committee Member Training for Community Members (Legal)
Section 48: Notices under the Water Industry Act 2012 (Legal)
Section 7 Statements and Managing Enquiries (Legal)
Setting Classifications, Rates of Pay and Allowances for Employees (Legal)
Setting Employee Pay and Entitlements (Legal)
Sharps & Infectious Waste Handling (Works/Infra)
Site Contamination Update (Legal)
Supported Residential Facilities – Council as a Licensing Authority (Legal)
Swimming Pool Regulation (Legal)
Swimming Pool Safety - Refresher (Legal)
Techniques for Participation in Community Engagement (Business)
Tourism and Councils Forum - Follow-up discussion (Forums)
Traffic Control Regulations & Authorisations Training (Legal)
Traffic Engineering in the Planning System (Legal)
Understanding your obligations under the Burial and Cremation Act 2013 and Regulations (Governance)
Unfair Dismissals (Legal)
Unsolicited Bids and Major Projects Governance Masterclass (Legal)
Variations under the PDI Act workshop (Legal)
What is Development? An introduction for new and para-planners (Legal)
Work Health and Safety Obligations (Legal)
Workplace Investigations and Procedural Fairness (Legal)
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