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Sharps & Infectious Waste Handling

27 June @ 9:30 am - 12:30 pm


Sharps & Infectious Waste Handling

Duration: 2.5 Hours
Investment: $350 incl GST pp ($3,400 incl GST capped at 20 participants)
Delivery: Face 2 Face


Target Audience

All Council staff, Contractors, Volunteers, Supervisors and Managers of staff who are exposed to the risks involved with handling sharps and infectious waste.



Workers who collect, handle, or transport, sharps and infectious waste are at risk of infection and illness if they are not trained and skilled to carry out the required tasks safely.  

The Australian Standard AS3816: 2018 requires waste generators to ensure that all relevant staff are trained in safe and conformant procedures for handling infectious waste.

This course references the training requirements of the 'Standard'.


Key Learnings

  • Sharps and infectious waste; examples and situations;
  • Identifying a single exposed sharp, multiple exposed and hidden sharps and various types of infectious waste;
  • The risks presented by various types of infectious waste;
  • Methods of infection, and controls to mitigate the risk of infection;
  • Identify the relevant waste streams and segregation of waste types;
  • Compliant containers and transport of sharps and infectious waste;
  • First Aid and treatment following exposure;
  • Accessing and using workplace policies, procedures and documents relating to sharps and infectious waste relevant to worker roles;
  • Undertaking risk assessment to identify hazards, risks and control measures;
  • Using the safety hierarchy of control;
  • Implementing control measures to ensure safety of self and others, such  as PPE, barriers, signage, immunisation, prevention and removal tools and equipment, standard precautions and safe work practices;
  • Emergency procedures and responses;
  • Communicating hazards to supervisor and provide incident reports;
  • Using tools and equipment to safely remove sharps and infectious waste;
  • Safely and correctly dispose of items and clean up of spillages;
  • Handling and storing infectious waste safely at a facility.


Peter McWhinnie, Paragon Work Health Safety, Member of Safety Institute of Australia
Graduate Diploma of Organisational Safety Management (Uni SA), Cert IV in Transport, Warehousing and Logistics, Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety, Diploma of Quality Auditing, Nationally accredited workplace trainer and assessor (Cert IV TAE), Diploma of Business, Diploma of Management.

Experience: Mining and construction worker, demolition team leader, transport fleet manager, truck driver for MC, heavy machinery operator, parks and gardens maintenance, workplace training and assessment.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at training@lga.sa.gov.au.
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.



Upcoming Short Courses

Name Date Time Location Cost (inc GST)
Sharps & Infectious Waste Handling 27 June 2025 09:30 am - 12:30 pm LG House - 148 Frome Street, Adelaide $350.00


27 June
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:


LG House – 148 Frome Street, Adelaide
LG House - 148 Frome Street, Adelaide Australia

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