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Award Interpretation and Application: New Training Series for Council Staff

19 June @ 9:30 am - 12:30 pm


Award Interpretation and Application: New Training Series for Council Staff

Duration: 3 hours per session (9:30am - 12:30pm)  
Investment: $2580 incl GST pp for all 6 workshops
Delivery: Face 2 Face & Webinar
(Delivery methods are subject to change)​


Target Audience

Council staff, Human Resources, Executive Team and CEOs. 



While each council has its individual enterprise agreements, each enterprise agreement must be read in conjunction with the applicable award. It is, therefore, essential to have a solid understanding of the minimum requirements under the respective awards, how it operates and how it applies for Human Resource Professionals, CEOs, General Managers and those who are involved in enterprise bargaining negotiations.
With this in mind, Norman Waterhouse is pleased to offer a new training workshop series focused on breaking down and explaining the provisions of, both, the South Australian Municipal Salaried Officers Award and the Local Government Employees Award.
To attend any of the below as individual sessions, please click on the headings to enrol. (Please note: discounts do not apply to individual sessions). 
For the full series, scroll to the bottom and select 'Enrol' for yourself or 'Group Enrol' for others.

1. Application of the SAMSOA and LGE Awards to your Workplace 

  • Understanding the scope and operation of the Awards and the overlap with Enterprise Agreements
  • Better off overall test
  • Enterprise Agreement flexibility and negotiations

2. Employment relationships

  • Understanding different employment relationships and types of employment in Local Government
  • Appointment and probation
  • Contractual obligations

3. Setting Classifications, Rates of Pay and Allowances for Employees

  • Understanding different classifications
  • Rates of pay
  • Higher duties
  • Reclassification process

4. Setting Pay and Employee Entitlements 

  • Ordinary hours of work
  • Span of hours
  • Penalty rates
  • Overtime
  • Call-out and on-call allowances
  • How Award provisions overlap with Enterprise Agreements

5. Leave Entitlements, Stand Down, TOIL and RDOs 

  • Types of leave
  • Stand down provisions
  • Correct accrual and deduction of RDOs
  • TOIL and overtime penalty rates
  • How award provisions overlap with Enterprise Agreements

6. Absences, Terminations and Unfair Dismissal 

  • Handling extended absences
  • Procedural fairness obligations and tips
  • Minimising the risk of unfair dismissals 



Sathish Dasan, Principal – Employment and Industrial Relations, Governance – Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Sathish is the Principal in charge of the Norman Waterhouse Employment & Industrial Relations, Insurance, and Governance & Regulatory teams. Sathish has been named as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in Doyle’s Legal Guide for the last twenty years and has earned a reputation as one of South Australia’s pre-eminent specialists in the respective fields of industrial relations, local government and administrative law.


Additional Information

What ‘Delivery Options’ are available for this session?
If a session is scheduled, the delivery options can be found below in the location field of the ‘Upcoming Workshops’ section. (Address = Face 2 Face delivery, Webinar = Virtual delivery)
No ‘Dates’ scheduled?
Complete our ‘Enquiry Form’ to be added to our waitlist and notified of upcoming dates.
Are you eligible for a ‘Group Discount’?
If you have 5 or more Members/staff from your council interested in a scheduled course, you may be eligible for a group discount. Request a Group Discount eQuote’.
Interested in having this program brought ‘In-House’ to your council?
Check your eligibility by requesting an In-house eQuote’.
For further information about the content of this program, please contact LGA Training on 8224 2000 or at training@lga.sa.gov.au.
Please understand that by registering, you are accepting our policy conditions. For a copy of our policies, please click here.


Upcoming Short Courses

Name Date Time Location Cost (inc GST)
Award Interpretation and Application: New Training Series for Council Staff 18 Mar, 9 Apr, 30 May, 19 Jun, 22 Jul & 19 Aug 09:30 am - 12:30 pm Norman Waterhouse Lawyers $2,580.00


19 June
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:


Norman Waterhouse Lawyers
Norman Waterhouse Lawyers Australia

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